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[SSE] Player damage + fall when sprinting into a wall, tree, etc. (immovable forces?)


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I saw a combat animation video where the player did some crazy sprinting forward dodge right into a tree, and it gave me an idea. What if players (and possibly npcs) could crash or wipe out when full forcedly running into an 'immovable' object?



Main Feature Ideas

- high chance to ragdoll when sprinting or whirlwind jumping into walls (or general architecture and large or 'heavy' static objects) and take damage, maybe dependent on if armor or a helmet is worn?

- player can stagger or fall when sprinting into an npc. I'd like to have it so that NPCs aren't the only ones who stagger now when ran into. On this note, I'm hoping that the mod can have a chance for both actors to fall or stagger, or just the one who was ran into depending on the weights of the actors (I'm thinking body weight, but maybe CATA can be used to help the game know who has more heavy armor?)

- maybe a heavy armor perk could be used to make the player less likely or immune from damage/falling when sprinting into an actor of higher weight\scale, or a static object.



Implementation Notes

-Due to how JS Immersive Rugs' tripping is implemented, I feel like this could be done similarly. (maybe I should be talking to that mod creator...lol)

- I feel like this could be done somewhat similar to a combat bash attack, but making it non-hostile might not be a possible thing? Unsure.

*might add more as I come up with ideas + ways that mods have achieved similar results.*


Are there any talented modders here that would like to make this mod idea come true?

Comment if this is a mod you want to use, and message me directly if you want to take control of this mod, or if you'd just like to help me make it! :smile:

Edited by incon1
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