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[SSE] Uncapped Voice of the Emperor


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The Imperial racial ability Voice of the Emperor only affects targets level 99 and below.


There is obvious potential for abuse it would I'm about to suggest but I only ever used that ability as a utility to stop my followers from fighting each other which works like a charm as long as all my followers are 99 or below but I also use Ordinator and Skyrim Skill Uncapper so I can keep leveling with out having to make skills "legendary" and I like for my followers to level with me but after they pass 99 Voice of the Emperor becomes useless and I can't stop the fights that break out anymore. The best I can do is make sure they're all essential so at least they can't kill each other.


Yes, I know Follower frameworks like iAFT and EFF have features designed to prevent such fights from breaking out but not all my followers are governed by one of those. Some followers like Inigo and others come with their own custom follower framework which means there is still a need for a calming utility to stop the fights that break out and removing that pesky level 99 cap from Voice of the Emperor just seems like the simplest solution.


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I do not know about the other follower frameworks, but Nether's Follower Framework has commands for followers, one of which is to stop fighting, and another to retreat. I have the stop fighting hotkeyed to "-" (as in chill out), and the retreat is keyed to " \ " (like Monty Python's Run Away!).

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Hey Polearbair,

It seems that there isn't something where I can just alter the level range for Voice of the Emperor. The only thing I could see is that I'd have to create a new shout which is a bit more involved than I have time for today.

Therefore I created a spell called "Soothing Hand" (which should work on very high level npc's) and put the spell book in the temple of Mara on top of a bookshelf on the left. You should have ownership rights. If that doesn't do it then I'll see when I have time to create a new shout and try again.


I pm'ed you the download link.

Edited by Sovrath
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