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Hogwarts Legacy

[Mod Request] Avoid/Bypass Alohomora minigame


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The minigame when using the Alohomora spell is very simple, yes, but when you already have open more than 30 locks it becomes too repetitive and frustrating. I honestly don't even know why they included something like that. Maybe they should have done something like as you upgrade the spell, the lower level locks would open automatically, but no... Over and over again the same thing :dry:

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I don't get this one either... If it's a spell, why do I have to do it? Didn't look like anyone in the books or movies had to think about how the damn lock works when using the spell.


So, yeah, definitely seconded, and should be easy enough to do. Just remove the damn thing.

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Yeah, its like whats the point of giving me the "unlock spell" if I had to do a minigame anyways? In that case, I'd rather you don't give it to me and play the minigame anyway. Getting/upgrading it is supposed to be a reward, not just as "tedious"

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