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Sky Castle over Markarth


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I would like a mod that adds a dwemer castle high in the mountains over Markarth. The path to the castle should start near the lover stone, and it should be long and perilous. Some parts of the path should be very narrow. As you get higher it turns into a broken dwemer road that has been partially worn away by the elements. the path ends at the entrance to the castle that sits on a mountainous precipice above the stream that feeds the waterfall flowing down into Markarth.


This idea came from learning about mountaintop castle called "The Eyrie" in Westeros from the Game of Thrones series and wanting something like that in Skyrim. Why Markarth, well "The Reach" has a lot of mountainous terrain, something like what the area of the Vale of Arryn that The Eyrie, so it makes perfect sense. Why over Markarth itself? In the Vale, The Eyrie sits almost directly over a town called the Gates of the Moon, and so it made sense that this castle was going to be directly over a town in skyrim. (another reason for Markarth. Markarth is the only city that is surrounded by mountains.)


Must haves:

1. A hole in the floor of the main hall that opens into the sky below the castle.

2. prison cells that have no fourth wall and thus are open to the elements.

3. Of course all the crafting stations that are usually found in a player's home.



The following would make the mod even better, but not essential.

1. The castle is a forsworn base when you first arrive. When you defeat the forsworn you can get it repaired and refurnished for your use.

2. The castle has a broken elevator that you can get repaired which can take directly into the city of Markarth itself.

3. Compatible with hearthfire for baking and adoptions.

4. It would be even better if you were given a quest to search SKyrim to find people to run your castle.


So this is my idea. Can it be done?

Edited by brianiangoodman
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My limited knowledge of modding makes me think most of what you want would be possible, except for the hole in the floor and the open sided prison cells. These would require a view of the outside world from specific locations. You would also need to consider whether your castle could be seen from the outside world.

Everything else could be created in a different world space. It would be entered through a cave or similar entry point placed in the Skyrim world.

Hope this helps and that others comment. :thumbsup:

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an entrance through a cave, maybe if that cave is high up above markarth. The idea is to follow a path that is treacherous that goes past markarth to the stream that feeds the waterfall flowing into Markarth. As far as the castle being seen from outside, that is essential. I am sure that if any such castle was there it would leave at least a slight shadow in the city below. Because of this, not only must it be seen from the outside world, but also be seen from the Markarth cell itself.

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I only suggested the cave entrance as a way of getting into the modded area. You could still have outside spaces afterwards from which you can see the castle exterior. It is easier to create a mod if it does not change much in the Skyrim world and is less likely to clash with other mods.

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