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Gradual Movement Speed Increase or Decrease Based on Weight


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Hey guys so I have a very specific idea on what I want to mod, though I'm really not sure how to go about it.


I know your movement speed increases or decreases based on what kind of armor you are wearing (heavy, medium, or light), but I was wondering if you could make this change instead to be gradually based on your weight you are carrying. So instead of your character slowing down to a walk at exactly 255kg, make it so that he goes 1% slower for every kilogram he carries or such. On the same topic, I was wondering if there's a way to base the protection you get from armor on it's weight instead of its actual armor value.


This way the heavier your equipment the more protected you are, but the slower you move. The lighter the armor, the less protection but faster movement speed you get.


Any ideas guys?

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