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Dynamic Carry Weights?


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Hey I was wondering if anyone was willing to make this mod for me? Idk if anyone else does this, but when I play Skyrim, I like for my character to have zero carryweight. Not 100% zero like you'd think though. I like to add up the weight up everything I'm wearing on my person. So I like to add up the weight of all armor equipped as well as the weapon I have equipped, and then that becomes my "carryweight" Any additional carryweight will come from the various backpack mods or Dragten's Bandolier mod.


So I was wondering if it was possible to make a mod that sets the weight of all equipped armors and weapons to zero (then I would just use console to set my carryweight to 0, or if you can add that to the mod as well, that'd be swell). Since there's already a heavy armor perk that makes all equipped heavy armors weigh nothing, I suspect this wouldn't be too hard to whip up?


Obviously I could just add all the weights up myself and set my carryweight to that, but it's kind of a drag doing that whenever I get new armor, or use a different weapon, I'd like for it to be automatic.

Edited by AndyTheLegend
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