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Boss enemies from mods don't spawn anymore


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Dear community!


I am playing Arcturus and Master Quest Dungeon. I played them before together with MOO (which is the lowest mod in my load-order), everything was fine. But in my last playthroughs the boss-creatures and boss-NPCs from those two mods won't spawn anymore. First I thought this may happen because I changed the value

MOO.ini_levelscaling_actors from 0 to 1

in the Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul.ini. This was my guess because the description of this setting says, it replaces vanilla NPCs and creatures with MOO ones. There is another setting for level-overrides, but I do not guess, that this causes other mods bosses to not spawn, but I'm not sure.

I changed it back to 0, as I had it earlier. I loaded my save, went in another cell, waited 24h (my cell- und shop-inventory-respawn-time is 23h), came back to where the mod bosses should spawn, but nothing was there.

I still believe that my guess of the expected .ini-setting is true, but maybe this change only takes effect in a new game?


What do you believe may be the cause of my Bosses from Arcturus and Master Quest Dungeon not spawning?


IIRC the description of Arcturus says, that the PC must have a high level, before entering the dungeon, otherwise the bosses won't spawn. In my last playthroughs my PCs had a level of ~40-60 and this time almost 80. So this cannot be the reason. Plus the boss from Master Quest Dungeon also does not spawn, and there was no mention of a certain player-level for the boss-spawn. Plus the setting


in the Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul.ini is set to 100, which means everything should be able to spawn, no matter the level.

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Do you have all cells set to respawn in 24 hours or just that one cell you waited in?


If it's just that one cell set to 24 hours then you'll need to wait 72 hours before the other cells will respawn.

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I use SPAWN by shadeMe, which allows different types of cells to have different respawn times (and they can be set in a range). If you are proficient at scripting (which I sadly am not) you can also set individual cells to have their own independent respawn timer.


If I have understood you correctly then what I was getting at doesn't apply (that the cell you waited in could respawn but the other cells needed to wait for the global respawn timer). That is one of the troubleshooting downsides of using SPAWN (the old wait in an interior cell for 72 hours trick will not work as advertised).

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No, actually my last reply was only a reply to your first reply. The problem are no respawn timers. The problem is, that boss NPCs do not spawn anymore, since some time ago. I use my respawntimer of 23 since I played Oblivion for the first time. This setting never had the effect of disappearing bosses.

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Yeah I understood that's what you meant. Are there other lower level enimies spawning in that same cell or is it only populated with boss level enemies?

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  • 1 month later...

I accidentally found, where the boss-NPCs from Arcturus spawn: All of them spawn at the same time in the same cell, namely the palace-cell from the last thieves-guild-quest. After entering the ayleid-ruin-door, which was opened by a special key-arrow, the PC enters the heavily guarded palace-area from where on the PC must find the library. In this cell all of the boss-NPCs from Arcturus spawn. No idea, what's going on.

Edited by Spartacus2211
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  • 4 weeks later...

I can imagine, that this has to do with bash patching. Just a feeling. I have a similar problem in Fallout New Vegas, where some mod-added headhunting NPCs should spawn every now and then, instead they spawn all together at the start of the game outside in Goodsprings.

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