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More Realistic way than setting NPC to Essential


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Don't know if this has been done:


I Have an Idea and I know it can be done. Can someone Model a Doc Bag that can be held Like a weapon. When the Player targets a Dead NPC that has only been dead for maybe 5 mins or less, There is a chance based on the player's Medicine skill to (Ressurect 1) the NPC. This would be very useful with Sharing and Caring mod.


If this has been done please let me know. I really want a mod like this. I might try and do this myself if someone can do the weapon model of a Doc bag. It shouldn't be that hard to script. It would just be a simple object effect script that checks how long the NPC has been dead and then checks the Player's Medicine skill and Shows a Message telling you whether You have succeeded in Reviving the NPC or Failing or that They been dead for too long.

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A resurrection script would go something like this in its easiest form:


Ref Victim

Begin ScriptEffectStart

Set Victim to GetSelf

If Victime.GetDead == 1





Now I have no idea if that will work, that just off the top of my head.

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I've already begun to test this out. I made an Effect that checks if the NPC is dead. Then this script is called if that is true:



ref myself

Int healAmt

Begin ScriptEffectStart


If ( myself.IsLimbGone -1)

If (myself.GetTimeDead <= 0.05)

If (player.GetAV Medicine >= 50)

set healAmt to (player.GetAV Medicine * 0.15)

myself.Resurrect 1

myself.ModAV Health healAmt



ShowMessage aBaBDeadForTooLong


ShowMessage aBaBDeadMissingLimbs







Basically if they aren't missing limbs and have only been dead for less than 5 mins they are resurrected. Feel free to add or help...

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Hmm, the best way is not to let the npc die. When npcs are resurrected, their ai is reset as well as their inventory, unless you use resurrect 1. Resurrect 1 on itself haves certain problems, mostly regarding lost limbs but also to animations failing or npcs falling through the ground.


Let the npc be essential, BUT, when it's supposed to die (falls unconscious), extend the unconscious time via global, or continue to setunconscious 1 + damageav fatigue to keep them on the ground until you do w/e healing process you want.

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I kinda want it to work on any NPC. I'll try it both ways. I planned to only allow the Doc bag to work if they aren't missing any limbs. So really the Animation and the Falling are the only issues with my idea.


Would calling moveto player prevent them from falling through the ground after they are resurrected? What happens when you use Actor Clone on a dead NPC? Maybe if I resurrect 1 and then clone them and disable the original to prevent glitching.


Thanks for the tip ;)

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Well here it is! The beta of the Doctor's Bag. I worked out great in testing. Thanks for those links to Resurrect 1 issues.






I made it so you can Revive any NPC that have only been dead for less than 5 mins. (I'll make it less after testing)

Also, they must have their body intact. I also threw in Diagnosing and determining corpse age while I was at it.



I'll be looking for community feedback in order to improve on it further. I can't tell you how many times GECK crashed while I was "Saving" the script.



I still need a model/texture for the Doctor's Bag item. Because having it be infinitly used is not permanant. I want it to be like Fallout Tactics, how it got used up after a couple uses.

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