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Magic Effect/Ench how to apply them on weapon?


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Hi guys, I want to put a Magic Effect or a Enchantment on a weapon (a non-weapon enchantment, Conntant Effect, Self). But I don't know how to do it, I've read some things about keyword on the magic effect and IsWeaponOut Condition, but the things were not clear, I've tried to do it, no errors, but I couldn't get it to work.

I hope that someone can help me.

Well, that's it, thanks.

(Sorry for the bad english D:)

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I not sure if you can in Skyrim, but someone else might know.


I have used hidden perks to add effects to the player on equipping a weapon, but they are usually combat-related, EG extra damage against certain targets. I've not done anything like enhancing armour or speechcraft or something.


What are you trying to do exactly?



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Actually I was trying to add an light-effect enchantment to a weapon, since I thought it would be easier than trying to do it on the texture/mesh/whatever.
But now I'm seeing that maybe this way is harder lol

Well gonna wait for a while before giving up, thanks for the answer :3

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Oh, thanks for the answer, gonna take a look at it. I'm still open for other answers in case I don't find out how to do it lol


@Edit; I think it would be way easir if I knew how to add a Enchantment/Magic Effect to a weapon, using a script maybe? So, if someone knows just say. Thanks for all the infos!

Edited by Loweh
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So you want the weapon itself to glow? You don't want to have something like a Candlelight effect on yourself?


You should be able to add any effect to a weapon and the weapon would count as enchantedand use up one of the enchantment slots (you get two slots when you have the Master Level Two Effects perk). You can avoid this by having hidden perks which are applied OnEquip.


The CK sometimes may not allow certain effects, EG if it is not usually a weapon enchantment, it might not be available to click on in the weapon form.


But you can do almost anything with scripts if you know Papyrus well enough and are very clever and innovative. Unfortunately, I am not. But OnEquip will allow you to have an effect work when the weapon is wielded.


But that mod that makes Dawnbreaker glow, if you have a look at what it does and how it works, you can use the ideas in your own mod.


Of course, you can't just copy it wholesale and then upload it, but it is legitimate to use other mods to learn how to do things. Then, if you upload it make sure to credit the original for the idea and mechanics.



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Oh yeah, I'm going to use it for myself, I would never upload something that I didn't made, those modders scare me... Anyway, I was seeing some old topics, and I think I found a script that add a enchantment on equip, I'm gonna read other things and see what I can do.
Thanks again for the answer <3

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