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Whos Hot And Whos Not


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1. Raider Indarys, Dark Elf


2. I have a ring called the Ring of Divine Raider I did something with I don't remember (modded or enchanted, I don't know) That gives a constant effect of Bound Cuirass, Boots, Helm, Gauntlets, etc., but I'm spending a ton of time looking for REAL Daedric armor, so I should find the full suit eventually.


3. Lvl. 79 or something like that. He's a Raider, which is a custom class I spent hours on just analyzing which skills would be best. Somehow I still managed to screw it up...


4. I have tons of skills at 100 but my main one is Long Blade.


5. One of two weapons, a sword called Masamune I enchanted from a Daedric Dai-Katana so it does an extra 100 or so points of non-elemental damage. Or I use the Umbra Sword claymore, which I got off what's-his-face near Suran.


6. The House Redoran stronghold (no kidding) or the house of Valvius something in Caldera.

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  • 1 month later...

Race: HightElf

Gender: Male

Level: 25 atm

Class: Inquisitor

Armor: Light/Glass

Weapon: Summoned Bow and Glass Claymore with +22 ice damge per 1 sec

Favorite Skill: Conjuration (Summoning hordes and Bow) , Missile weapons

House: Baal Isra (My own Redoran Home)

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  • 3 weeks later...

race: predator

gender: male

class: demon hunter

level: 10

armor: The Knights of Tamriel Armor of Jet and Gold used by the Order of the Leopard

skill: longblade...mostly use his wristblades

first home: murdered Ra'Virr the Trader and took his home as soon as i got to Balmora back @ LvL 1



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  • 9 months later...

Hey My Dude


1. imperial child (mod by emma, great one too)


2. ysmiridle greaves, dibella cuirass and guantlets, steel boot no pualdrons (ysmiridle and dibella are mods)


3. 15


4. longsword


5. frostblade of the monarch


6. probly the razor hole in balmora because it comes with weapons and armour (once I put over 350 Weapons on 1 shelf, I'm a pack rat)

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  • 1 month later...

Race-Dunmer- wanted to be a dwemer"once i found the mod"t-bone" but i didnt feel like the whole opening menu thing.


level- 150


armor- dwemer elite armor/diving armor(i scuba in real life and in MW how trippy is dat and i have waterlife and "the wilderness mod" (thank you snakebitten Snakebittens lair v2 4 dwemer armor)


best stat-longsword


weapon- dwemer Longsword"t-bone?" enchanted myself called "Dwarsnicalis" 100 point poison enchantment+fortifay longsword 50.


House- i never really killed any1 but i did kill vivec for his city muhahahaha JK vivecs my friend even though he killed me sort of you get the point. i downloaded countless housing mods until i found ravenloft(bantari) and Isle of thumzand, Nerevarines castle breathtakingly made(zappara) and Portable mobile base(forgot author)(too gargantuan) but awsome.

I settled with Ravenloft


oh yeah my char name is "Salty" after me. 8)

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  • 9 months later...

1. Dunmer


2. I don't like wearing armour, my characters mostly dress up in expensive clothes. I prefer playing as an ordinary citizen than as a mighty hero.


3. Never really kept track of this, but it was pretty high


4. I like speechcraft and sneak


5. The Dagger Of Symmachus


6. Mournhould, that wizard :D

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...
So dudes and dudets i am wondering:



1. What race u are


2. What your favorite armour combo is


3. Level


4. best skill or favorite (sneak,longsword,shortsword,ect.)


5. All time favorite weapon


6. Favorite place to kill someone and take their house (dont be shy i know you have done this at least 50 times i have.



For me i am an argonian. my favorite armour combo is the lords mail with indoril armour. my level is like 60 or something i dont remember my best skill is longsword and my favorite place to killl the person and take there house is nerano manor in balmora because their is one person in one huge place and hes weak.




Keep it kool :cool2:


Bringing back an old thread. Please do not report me! :D


1. Dark Elf (Dunmer)


2. Bonemeld (Armun-Amun) and/or Ordinator and/or Dragon Scale Armor.


3. I really don't keep track... It's up there though... In the 40's or 50's.

4. Long Blade and/or Medium Armor.


5. Nordic Broadsword. That thing and I have been through a lot together. ;)


6. Never really done that... Unless it's on a quest or something where I won't get fined...



My characters name is Indoril. Will post pics later. :yes:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Name: Izerhak Rasthorne

Race: Deadmen(my own. and they arent zombies)

Class:Deadmen Warrior(again my own)

Level:20's I think

Armour:Robes over Daedric armour


Weapon:Daedric claymore

Houses:a tent(he travels alot)

Murders: none, Izzy is a good guy.

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