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My Fingers Itch for the Oblivion 5th Anniversary


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Years ago i Bought Oblivion and Loved it to bits, then i end up selling it because my Upgraded PC couldent handle the Game nomore.


Now everytime i go to the Game Store, i see the Oblivion 5th Anniversary witch is Cheap ($20) and Desperately want to Buy it again.


Should i get it again and will it work on my Windows 7 Powerful PC and can i Safely Delete the Game if i dont want it nomore.


Can i Activate the DLC's at once like Skyrim, or should i play the Game in some order and then Activate a DLC at a certain point.


Are All the DLC Packages Included, or are there some minor ones i need to Download and are they Free.


What Mods do you guys recommend i should get, since i suppose the First would be:

OBSE - http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/37952/?


I guess these are the Unofficial Oblivion Patches, but how would i be getting Updated Versions from Arthmoor when knowing the Main OP isent around nomore.




What Mods do you guys Recommend i should get and im not talking about Armor or Clothes or Weapons or Building Mods, im mainly talking about Game Mods like Rebuilding Kvatch and i think in Bruma there was a Mage Guild that never stopped burning and also in the Fighters Guild Quest there was a Hist Tree that still burns.

Edited by daventry
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to be honest, back when gaming oblivion i didnt modify my games yet. i had the two dlcs ... em... i guess you called them "expansions" back then, and shivering isles was simply awesome :smile:


(i also liked morrowind and solstheim back in the old days... Ragna-Rok the Orc, the Nerevarine FTW! :wub: )


nice to read that post though... now i know 2 things, first, next time i have holidays im gonna go and grab my old "goty" versions from both games (or were they called "collectors edittion"? ... jeez, its been years... ) ...

and second, i gotta check back to what "skywind" is doin... --> http://morroblivion.com/


you do know that some modders out there try to merge skyrim, oblivion and morrowind, do you? BUT WATCH OUT! ... for that to work youre gonna need original copies of the old games, its nothing like a "new lands mod" or stuff that will be uploaded somewhere, so you also better go and look for your good ol discs :smile:


edit: to be precise --> for it to work you need original versions installed, the original discs within reach, and some smaller skills about some basics of modding, like extracting files and a basic understanding of how the file system of skyrim works


edit 2: and im pretty sure latest now youre really out to go and score the game again now, dont you? oh, and my computer isnt the slowest, and i can even play good ol morrowind on it. i tested it about a year or so ago, in the worst case you have to run the game in compatibility mode... theres always a way :wink:

Edited by chicky540
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Thanks and i guess they were called Expansions or Collectors Editions back then and i did play Shivering Isles years ago. :smile:


Oh i played Morrowind for 5 Minutes and Deleted the Game, couldent stand all the Text without Voices. :geek:


I do know about Morroblivion or Skywind, but its not that a big deal for me to go Buy All the TES Games just to play a Mod that isent even finished yet. :blush:

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id say theyre quite far in their progress... after all, its a huge project they got on the run... i mean, it only works because bethesda at least kept some standard procedures during their games developments... and you could also just go and pick oblivion for that thingy. or only morrowind. or both. anyhow, im pretty sure even without skywind theres a way how to play oblivion on your pc. i mean, if i could manage to make morrowind run.... i mean, it got released in 1998 i think :)

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So your saying if i go Buy Oblivion and just download SkyOblivion, i can play their Mod through Skyrim by returning to Cyrodiil :ohmy:


Its nice that Bethesda allow those Team to make such a Mod that needs you to Buy the Original Games, but i wonder what happened to the Lord of the Rings Mod, i think they got stopped by Warner Brothers or something. Makes you wonder if we will ever see a proper LOTR RPG Game that isent Online. :geek:

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sorry, i went shoppint and now have my speed challenge, check here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48782/?


and yeah, pretty much... @ oblivion. imagine you could travel back to oblivion, with kinda like playing the game with enhanced graphics (skyrim engine) and the skyrim game... and you take your good ol skyrim char simply back to oblivion to go through that epic adventure again :)


awesome, eh? ... sry, but i gotta go back to my personal speed challenge... ;)

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ps: just for laughs, i actually spent some weeks on their forums and tried to support those guys a little because i find the idea awesome, though... this is outta my league. but hey, i tried :wink:


pps: and yep, no matter what, score the game, oblivion is never wasted bucks ;)

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Oblivion will run on Windows 7 for almost everyone.

I've run Oblivion on 3 different PCs using Windows 7, and I've never had problems.

If you decide you don't want the game anymore, it can be safely uninstalled at any time.


You can activate all the DLC whenever you want. However, usually it's recommended that you install the Shivering Isles last.


The 5th Anniversary Edition includes the main DLC packs. It has the Shivering Isles and Knights of the Nine.

Small DLC, like Horse Armor or Vile Lair, are not included. The small DLC packs would need to be purchased separately, if you want them.

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Why must i Enable the Shivering Isles later and why is it not like Skyrim where you can just Activate All DLC's and put Quests at the back of your Log so they just lay there until you decide to do it, how was this handled in Oblivion or were some Quests like Do it Now unlike Skyrim.

Edited by daventry
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