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HELP! I'm having problems creating a follower


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I created a follower (4 times now) following a couple of different guides, and I'm having major issues once I use it in-game.


If I install the follower after building it in Creation Kit, I just get a black screen when I load the cell containing the follower. I tried removing the tri files (cos one of the guides said they're not needed) but that didn't work, so I added them back in one by one.


If the beard tri file is added the cell loads and the character looks fine but there are weird lines eminating from him, and he doesn't have a beard.


The brows tri file is the one that causes the black screen, but if I remove it the brows are in the wrong place on the head, sort of sunken in.


They are the only two tri files causing a visual problem, and if I add the others back and remove those two the character looks perfect, BUT his mouth stops lip-syncing.


I am new to modding, so am probably doing something wrong. But I've followed the guides to the letter 4 times and still am having the same problems. Has anyone had a similar experience and what can I do to correct it??


Please help!



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Hmm, after further investigation it looks like my brows and beard both have different vertices in NiffMerge. I've double/triple/quadruple checked when I build it and export it that I'm using the right files, and yet it seems I still am not. I presume this mismatch in Vertices data is what's causing the errors.

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