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Is this the correct load order?


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OMM Image: http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h133/franpa/Untitled_zps36e91611.png~original


Unofficial Oblivion Patch

Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch

The 3 things in the right pane are "Activated"

OBSE is installed as well as the plugins for it that are included in UOP and USIP, and so is Oblivion Stutter Remover and FastExit2.


If somebody could explain why some things are placed before the content they affect and why some things are placed after the content they affect that would be appreciated. I mean I know that older files take precedence (Or it's the other way around)? but why in this case are some things explicitly not wanting to override content...


I dunno, if someone can explain it, great. The load order appears to have been implemented by BOSS (Would be great if that tool could better clarify what it does within the GUI or the resulting log files which seem to display a bunch of info but don't make it terribly obvious that it modified your load order)

Edited by Franpa
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As the name suggests, the load order determines what gets loaded first. The game can crash if the order is wrong.



- Mod A creates a castle

- Mod B adds a guard to that castle

- If you load Mod B first, the game will try to add a guard to a castle that hasn't been loaded into memory yet and will crash.


Also, when multiple mods alter the same item, it results in a conflict. The load order determines which conflict "wins".



- Mod A makes all creatures green.

- Mod B makes mud crabs pink.

- If you load Mod A then Mod B, then you'll have green creatures except for mud crabs which are pink.

- But if you load Mod B then Mod A, you'll only have green creatures as Mod A has completely overwritten the pink mudcrabs.


The load order used by BOSS is determined by some very experienced modders and tries to eliminate crashes and keep conflicts to a minimum. Most of the time it works well but on occasion you may have to manually adjust it.


Hope that makes sense. :smile:

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That's a good explanation of how mods operate and I thank you for taking the time to write that up, but I already knew the basics like that :/ I guess I failed at conveying what information I wanted lol. I want to know why in this specific case, the first four mods are being loaded before all else. Because this is a bug fix compilation, wouldn't you want all the bug fixes to take precedent instead of just some? Or are the mod components listed at the top brand new content that won't be overwritten by the latter components?

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Oh also, I'm unsure if this is caused by a MOD I've got installed but on the main menu all the buttons seem to be offset (Not visually) in that they react when the mouse is 50% to 100% above the appropriate button. Scrollbars in the options screen requires me to click diagonally down-left of the buttons to manipulate too.

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For the load order question, patches are usually placed immediately after the mod that they patch. Let's say the UOP corrects a floating tree, placing it on the ground where it belongs. You wouldn't want the patch to overwrite another mod that intentionally moves the tree elsewhere.


As for the button hotspots in the wrong place issue, go to My Documents/My Games/Oblivion/Oblivion.ini and edit fDefaultFOV to 75. This bug often occurs if your FOV is something other than 75 when the game crashes.

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Thanks, I've commited to a reinstall now but I believe you've nailed the cause of button misalignment as I did tweak a setting that sounds similar (Set it to 80). I'm reinstalling in a bid to resolve the issue of text being cut off in various parts of the game/UI. I think the problem is caused by a partial uninstall of the Darnified UI and a reinstall of that mod resolved some of the problems but other problems remained so yeah.


I've basically deleted everything except OMM, OBSE, BOSS, DirectX Redistributable, Movies, Music and the original default ESM/ESP/BSA files. After doing all of that I've then performed the Verify Integrity of Game Cache process in Steam. I didn't expect mods to modify the original game archives but it seems like some of them did as Steam is redownloading 1.6GB of stuff (Though it's better then downloading 10GB so can't complain too much).


And you're still misunderstanding me about mods overriding mods etc.. You've said that mods go below the content they're modifying in order to have an effect, right? Well why are there 4 mods that are above everything else? Won't everything below those 4 mods undo what those 4 mods are doing? This is what I don't understand, hope you finally grasp it now :smile:

Edited by Franpa
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