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Does Anyone Else Do This?


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Actually, it's not hard at all, It's simple file management . I believe you may have chosen a different install method with MO2 . I use it for skyrim also, therefore, I have more than one game instance. I believe I installed the "portable" instance with MO2. Also, the ini files match with profiles.

Edited by edgeburner
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Yeah, it sounds like you are using the Portable Instance.

Global Instance does all this for you - all you have to do is just periodically back up your profile directory. No swapping needed.

Global Instance takes us out of the 1980's and puts us in the 21st Century. :D

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I actually prefer the the portable instance. It takes me literally ten seconds to swap save files in and out of profiles and into the MO save folder. Maybe I'm just too hands on, but , it gives me a "control" felling I prefer. Plus, I have plenty of hard drive space.
Keeping all of the manually backed-up specific saves under self created folders identified by character name and profile assures me of a go-back if necessary.
Also, using re-saver gives you a great identification aspects on a save. I rarely use it to cleans saves, just to gather info on specific saves.

Edited by edgeburner
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