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better bows


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I used a bow and I wanted to puke, Im very dissatisfied with the lazy/slopy/slow arrow flight to the target...the range seems to be garbage and totally un realistic. You see the ranger guards shooting at targets like 5 feet away...No one shoots targets from 5 feet away, that would be good for throwing knives/axes but not a bow!


I feel like Im taking crazy pills does anyone els see this? Please tell me there is a mod already made! and if not please fix this, make the mod and bring the bows out from the closet and into the fighting man/woman's arsenal!




I employ you good sir, let it be so


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Thank you for pointing me in the right direction, the mod is just what I was looking for


Thank you kindly



PS how about real looking bows? Im not looking into unbalancing the game, but I dont like the look of glass bows ect

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