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Craftable Potion Ingredients


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I unfortunately am not too experienced in the way of modding for skyrim so i would like to ask someone else who is a good at modding to make a mod that allows you to craft all of the ingredients for potions.I would suggest that you need leather strips to make them or something easy like that. Well I hope that you enjoyed what little I have written, and i also hope that someone does this. Thank you for reading what I have had to say and if you can make the mod I beg of you to make the mod.



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Yeah, just gather them. And buy them. There aren't enough animals to make enough leather strips to "forge" the ingredients, anyway.


And you'd have to kill the animals to get hides to make the leather, so you'll get some ingredients that way.


The plant and mushroom ingredients don't move very fast, so you should not have too much trouble catching them.



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