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Here lies a Fork in the Road.

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Hey guys,


I'm pretty new to Nexus mods as well as PC Gaming. I've got a little dilemma going on right now and I would like your guys' input on it. Six months ago, my beloved PS3, Linda, died due to some water damage (leaking roof). I have lived 6 months without Skyrim and am going into some crazy withdrawal (just kidding, I wanna go kill me some High Elf scum). I recently acquired some monetary funds through a part time job while going to University and now that finals are over, I need something to kill time. So I took apart my PS3 and figured out (decided) that it needed a new Power Supply Unit. It just wouldn't turn on, so I'm guessing the fuse blew when the water hit it.


I know my laptop can't handle Skyrim with the Graphics card it has now (Intel HD 3000). I'm really wanting to play Skyrims with some mods, but I can live without them just fine as well. Right now, I'm on the ropes of either getting a new PS3, The power supply for my current PS3, build a new Gaming Computer, or just buy a PS4. Thing is if I get a Gaming Computer, I have nothing to play when my friends come over. If PS3, I miss out on the Skyrim mods and the fact that it costs about 280 to buy a new one (including GTA V and FIFA 13 lol). If it's a PS4, then it's gonna be around 600 bucks, just like a Gaming Computer (okay, maybe the comp will run me some more cash -_-). Either way, I need your opinion, WTF do I do? I don't want to waste ALL my money. I've only got around 700 in mah piggy bank. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Oh and I live in Canada. If that helps.


Here are my Laptop's current Specs:


ASUSTek Computer Inc.

Intel Core i5-2450M CPU

2.50 GHz

8.00 GB RAM

64 Bit OS

Intel HD 3000




PS3, PS4, or PC? Take into account the aforementioned PC Specs for my current laptop and the fact that I need a home entertainment system as well. Thanks!



Edited by AbrahamLN
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If you can afford it, I would go with a fairly high spec desktop that you just hook into your TV and use a wireless keyboard, mouse, and controller so you can play from your couch.


If money is very tight, I would hold off on the PS4 and consider getting a new PS3. It'll be another 3-4 months before they stop making considerable PS3 titles (switch to shovelware), meanwhile it will be another year until they start making anything worthwhile for the PS4 (even if you manage to get your hands on one before the end of the year). A cheap PC just really isn't much benefit if you aren't spending very much on it unless you already have a large library of low-spec games that you can play through till you can afford better.

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With that budget I'd go for a PS3. A new one is only $250.

You shouldn't risk spending money on new power supply when it may not work anyway (imho). You don't even know for sure how far the damage goes... Even if you replace the power supply and it works great for 3 months, something else might fail after that. Maybe I'm paranoid, but I wouldn't trust potentially damaged hardware enough to spend money on it with such a tight budget.


A PS4 or a PC would just be too much money to drop on one thing during college (imho). I'm in a similar situation.

The PS3 has a large backlog of good games, most of which are now available used for $20 or less, and you can't possibly have played them all. :3

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PS4 won't play Skyrim. Just FYI. The system isn't backwards compatible and as of right now there's no way to play PS3 games on it.


PS4 is however only $400, not $600 (not including games ofc)


PC woukd be your most expensive option. So as others said id grab a new PS3. they are selling for $199 now. Try to pick up one of the older slims. The newer ultra slims just look a little cheap to me.

Edited by hoofhearted4
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PS4 won't play Skyrim. Just FYI. The system isn't backwards compatible and as of right now there's no way to play PS3 games on it.

Try to pick up one of the older slims. The newer ultra slims just look a little cheap to me.


True. It's likely that Skyrim will get a PSN release on the PS4 as a PS3 classic, but as far as I know that hasn't happened yet. It might never happen.


I actually like how the ultraslims look. Most people haven't had any problems with them either. :s

Regardless, I agree with your advice that a new PS3 is the best option considering the budget.

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Just looks like cheap plastic to me. But this is opinion not fact or anything.


And im sure many PS3 games will eventually come out as a download on PSN for the PS4. I just wanted him to know that buying a PS4 would not mean he could play Skyrim right away. Plus there's no guarantee that you won't have to repay for said games even if/when they come out on PSN.


Plus as Vagrant said the PS3 is still a major console. Still releases coming out for it. Plus All the games you don't have. There's still several games I have yet to buy for it that I want. Some coming out and still some that I own but haven't touched. So ya, PS3. :-)

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That was a very dramatic title and post for what's essentially a console choice....

I know my laptop can't handle Skyrim with the Graphics card it has now (Intel HD 3000). I'm really wanting to play Skyrims with some mods, but I can live without them just fine as well. Right now, I'm on the ropes of either getting a new PS3, The power supply for my current PS3, build a new Gaming Computer, or just buy a PS4. Thing is if I get a Gaming Computer, I have nothing to play when my friends come over.


If that's a concern, fix up your PS3.
If you want to also impress your friends, PS4. A gaming PC that will impress will run into the thousands of dollars (my $7k rig rates as boring now), so no chances there.


Generally, a good PC is outside your budget adjusted for experience. That is, people with great computer skills can count on getting a mix of discounted new and perfect condition used parts that will be both cheaper than a PS4 and mostly better, then putting it together and making it run smooth.


People who do that are people who know what they're doing and they don't doubt that they want a PC. Once you go PC, the only way you're going back is if you're drastically out of time and cut down on your gaming hard.


For the rest of us... When a console just comes out, it comes with the latest in hardware. You're not beating it on the cheap. The main drawback to PS4 or bone is that the games will tend to cost more than for PC/Windows, both new releases and especially old ones, and there aren't even any old ones for PS4 yet.


Long term, for a "survey style" gamer (play a lot of different games), a PC comes out cheaper, unless something breaks down. Especially since your upgrades can come cheap. Short term, you'll have to spend either more cash or A LOT of time (won't be done by Xmas) to put a good PC together for what you've got.

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If you want to also impress your friends, PS4. A gaming PC that will impress will run into the thousands of dollars (my $7k rig rates as boring now), so no chances there.




If you spend $7000 on a gaming rig, you're doing it wrong. Even a PC with 780s in 3-way SLI (and corresponding specs across the board) doesn't have to cost that much.

Edited by Rennn
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i agree a $7k PC being boring? in terms of spec wise, my $1400 PC isnt even "boring" yea i cant play a triple monitor set up at crazy high resultions on ultra, but i can play what i play maxed out, or at the very least on High/Ultra mixed. so no way a $7k in hardware PC would be boring.


if youre talking all around $7k, meaning custom water loop, custom fabricated case, etc, where every little detail down to screws was changed and altered, then i could see how it could cost you $7k, but even then it wouldnt be boring.

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i agree a $7k PC being boring? in terms of spec wise, my $1400 PC isnt even "boring" yea i cant play a triple monitor set up at crazy high resultions on ultra, but i can play what i play maxed out, or at the very least on High/Ultra mixed. so no way a $7k in hardware PC would be boring.


Yep... the parts currently in my PC cost about $1000. For $2500 anyone should be able to build a PC capable of running everything on ultra at 60 fps, for several years.

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