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Runtime Error


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Whenever I load my recent save-files, I get a C++ runtime error stating ;

"Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library":


Runtime Error!




Program: C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3\Fallout3.exe


This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.


Please contact the application's support team for more information.


Also, when I fire up a older save-file I can play for a while, but then eventually the game succumbs to the same problem within 10 minutes or so.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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try to instal Microsoft Visual C++ and Microsoft .net framework again.


Look into the GfWL folder of your Game DVD:


donetfx3.exe = Installer für net.Framework

vcredist_x86.exe = Installer für Visual C++


You also should perform a Windowsupdate by using the Link in your Start Menu

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Whenever I load my recent save-files, I get a C++ runtime error stating ;

"Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library":

Runtime Error!

Is the Runtime Error solved?

Think there are some Programs or Drivers that need these Librarys to run.

Tried recently to uninstall them and my Mouse-driver stopped working :huh:

But I have no clue what is with the save games :unsure:

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  • 8 months later...
I just started getting this error also. I havent installed anything but the Windows Updates. So, thinking that those updates were the cause of the problem I went back to a restore point when Fallout 3 worked. Of course with my luck...that didnt work either. Ive updated everything and searched everywhere for answers and couldn't find any...Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Seems to be a corrupted install of MS Visual. Sadly the OP doesn't responded to a possible solution.


So try uninstalling Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redist...bla under your Systemcontrol --> Programs


Then install it again and take the version from you game dvd. (right-click, open)

The file you need is located in the GfWL folder and is called vcredist_x86.exe.

After install try running Fallout. And it's recommended to make a Windowsupdate, since other Programs are using MS Visual as well.

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Thanks for your reply.

I did exactly as you say and I still get the error. I've downloaded every update that was available, rebooted and started Fallout 3 and i still get the runtime error. I don't understand why it just started doing it. I've been playing it for over a year on this computer. That's why i said it had to be an update from windows that done it...but after trying through my restore point I guess its not windows either! I'am lost now.

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haha thx,

so what's your vidcard ATI or Nvidia. It might be another application issue as well. I would shoot down all unnecessary backround programs. And update everything, including DivX codecs and whatnot. There are many application which are using MS Visual.


Can you give the exact Failure Report?

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