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Extra Equipment Slot


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I don't like the helmets in-game and would like not to wear one (I am vain), but would like to compensate for this with a mod that allows an extra equipment slot to enchant.


Any suggestions?

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there are a lot of mods that add things (capes, glasses, masks...) that take the tail slot, though this is fine when playing a human or mer, it looks kinda stupid when you're playing a khajit or argonian, since their tails disappear


alternatively, there are also mods that allow you to equip an infinite number of rings or amulets.

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there are a lot of mods that add things (capes, glasses, masks...) that take the tail slot, though this is fine when playing a human or mer, it looks kinda stupid when you're playing a khajit or argonian, since their tails disappear


alternatively, there are also mods that allow you to equip an infinite number of rings or amulets.


Any links? The ring mods I have found don't apply to custom enchanted rings, so they will not work. I have looked up cape mods in the past, but they didn't do much for me. I can't find any tail slot mods.

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FYI - Configuring an item to use the head slot will cause the ears and hair to disappear...regardless if the item covers the head or not....IIRC.


I've seen people use the ring slot in combination with the unlimited rings mod.

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FYI - Configuring an item to use the head slot will cause the ears and hair to disappear...regardless if the item covers the head or not....IIRC.


I've seen people use the ring slot in combination with the unlimited rings mod.


I always thought those unlimited rings mods wouldn't let anything show. Like they were just for getting extra enchantments, do they actually let other items show but not any rings? Or does it show only the first two rings you equip? I've downloaded a few but never used them because I really want to see my rings.

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I cannot recall. You would have to experiment. Try something simple first such as making a cape use that slot and see if you can still see the cape. As for the rings themselves, I cannot remember if the rings themselves would no longer be visible but I know additional rings would not show. I never experimented with this...only read about it long ago.



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