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Wondering if a certain script is possible


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I am working on a mod to centralize the placement of modded items.

After I posted the mod, I had a thought on a different way to accomplish my goal.

The link below will take you to the mod. My scripting idea is on the 1st comment.

I would like to fond out if this script is possible. And if there was anyone that would like to write it?



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I don't think the idea of a centralized mod used as master by everyone is the way to go. It's just not practical.


With a fose script, it is possible, without any mastering thingy, to create a script that scans all formids and adds guns and armors to lockers. Granted, it may take a second or two with the game utterly frozen to do it, but it'll work and it wouldn't need any input from any moder or any editing of anything. It may be even possible to apply unique rules to certain mods since it is possible to know if a certain mod is loaded and what is it's load order position.



If you wait until fose 2.0 comes out, then it'd even be possible to let the player decide from which mods does he want to put the items (string functions would be needed).




The only annoying problem i can see with this method is a mod using armor tokens to do stuff.

Certain rules may be used to decide if a mod should be affected or not, there are two basic ways of filtering: negative and positive filters:


A negative filter is a blacklist, a list of mods that shouldn't be processed. The problem with this method is that there may be mods that are troublesome but weren't included in the list


A positive filter is a white list, only mods in the list are processed. The disadvantage of this is that you may miss mods this way.


This filtering may be on your mod, or on the mod's themselves, without the need of any master-changing: It is possible to ask if two things have the same name, a modder would simply need to add an item or creature called "processmeKGIS", or "dontprocessmeKGIS". That would be all that would be needed.



It could also be possible to ask the player if he wants a mod to be included (or excluded), currently, it would depend sorely on the mod's load order position. But once strings get implemented you could make it dependent on the mod's name, and even show the mods name and label the containers.

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Thx for the reply... I believe that have one place to go to get all the items from mods is very practical. Maybe thats just my lazy side.. :)


Most of what you said in total french to me but sounds like this would only be possible if I go with the maintaining a list like my original idea or scripting with FOSE. I dont wanna use FOSE casue its not compatible with LIVE. So I guess that leaves my original idea.


This mod is mostly personal anyway. So....

I might just do what I was doing Saturday before I started thinking if scripting was possible.

I should just convert item mods to master and make my Item Stash dependent upon them. Place the items from these mods into the lockers on the stash. Then package my mod to include all the masters for the weapons and armor that I used. BUt there is still testing I need to do... Than goodness for 2 computers.


When I was testing Saturday,


Test 1 - If i selected in FOMM any plugins that were not in the data folder the game would crash on loading.

Test 2 - I made sure every ESM that the stash was dependent on was in the data folder, loaded up FOMM and selected the stash plugin and just a couple of the ESPs that I converted to ESMs. The game loaded fine.

Test 3 - I will do this tonight... I need to test if I dont have any part of a particular mod included in the stash, if my game will load ok as long as I have that ESM in my data folder.

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Hmm, no, you wouldn't need to keep the lists.


Basically, a reference is a number, all items within a mod loading 5th would be located between 05000000 and 05ffffff.

Through fose, you can ask if a reference is a base object and if it's a weapon or armor (or something else).



So you can create a loop that checks for all references between 05000000 and 05ffffff, and if a reference is a base object and an armor, add it to your fifth box, if not, skip it and ask for the next. it'd take less than ten lines.


Same can be done with all the other mods in the load order.



Since the script only needs to run once, you only need to have fose running whenever you want to press the fill button.

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I am completely lost.


I dont know a thing about scripting... the language , nothing... I just know what I want to accomplish.


If there is no way (not using FOSE) to let modders add items to comtainers in my mod and keep more than one modder from trying to put their items in the same container. Then in my mind, with what i know, I need to maintain a list so modders know what lockers are free.


Otherwise this becomes a personal mod. that i just share

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Let's say the mod is build. With fose.


You run the game with fose, head to the cave or w/e, press a button. Save, leave.


Load the game without fose, items are in their containers, all works.


Need to add a mod to the list?. load geck, open a certain dummy cell, toss in an activator with the desired script, save.

Load the game with fose, press the button, save, exit.


You can now keep playing without fose.

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You are soo brilliant...


I wish I knew how to do all that. Unless you want to do the scripting... :)


Where would all this scripting go? In the Item Stash mod or in the mods with the items being added?


For now, Im just gonna get all the lockers placed and made unique. And then I can decide what direction to go with getting modders items into the lockers.

Once I get the Cave layout done i'll open the mod again for viewing and you can take a looksie.


PS. I appriciate you being so patient with me...


EDIT ---- Is this button an object in the Item Stash? Or do you mean activate a token in my inventory? If its a token, Is it my mod that adds the token?

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Script would go in the stash mod, no need for anything else.


Been running a couple of tests... fallout scripts are stupidly slow, i feel like i'm running an xt all over again..



heck... a damn atari is faster than this.

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out of curiousity... How long have you been scripting? I dont even know what an xt even it...




All the lockers are added. 138 in each room. 138 in the weapons room and 138 in the armor&clothing room.


15 in each room are unique... The other are all the same.


I added you as being able to update the mod so you can grab the ESP i just made.




Would the stash be dependent on FOSE or just use it long enough to populate the lockers? Ide hate to click the button, save, exit load without FOSE, and go back into the stash and see empty lockers... :)


If this works... Nothing would need to be done to other modders plugins right?

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Nope, no changes to the other mods.


An XT is this:



"The standard XT originally came with 128KB of memory, a 360KB double-sided 5 1/4" full-height floppy disk drive, a 10MB Seagate ST-412 hard drive with Xebec MFM controller, an Asynchronous Adapter (serial card with 8250 UART) and a 130W PSU. The motherboard had eight 8-bit ISA expansion slots, and an Intel 8088 microprocessor running at 4.77 MHz (with a socket for an 8087 math coprocessor); the operating system usually sold with it was PC-DOS 2.0 and above. The eight expansion slots were an increase over the five in the IBM PC, although three were taken up by the floppy drive adapter, the hard drive adapter, and the Async card. The basic specification was soon upgraded to have 256k of memory as standard. Slot 8 on the XT motherboard was wired slightly different than the other slots, making it incompatible with some cards. This was done for cards designed to allow the XT to be connected to IBM mainframes. Video cards initially comprised the MDA and CGA, with EGA and PGA becoming available in 1984."



Didn't realized how slow are fallout scripts until i ran 32 million instructions in a frame.... THEN it became horribly obvious... *sigh*

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