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Mesh mash


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After loaading, cleaning, and tweaking a number of mods, I have the game operating properly except for a mesh loading error. In Arrile's Tradehouse in Seyda Neen the NPC Elone has a cuirass that is missing the mesh file. It has been replaced with the familiar yellow balloon marker. The missing file is "Meshes\a\A_Netch_F__cuirass.nif.

I have searched all files and downloads and cannot find this thing anywhere. Can someone offer a clue how to fix this? Thanks.

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Have you tried going onto the TES CS CD? If it's anywhere, it should be on there. Just look in the directory listed in the error on the CD, and copy and paste the file into the correct directory in your Data Files.


That should work...

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Thanks for the idea - but I tried finding the file on the TES CS disc last night and the file path cannot be followed past "Meshes\a\A_Netch" - there is no "F" subgroup or other cuirass'. I believe that this must be some mesh file created by a mod designer, but have gone through all the mod download files and done a search of all files on the hard drive to no avail. A web search also did not turn up the file. Any other ideas? I'd sure appreciate the help.
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I wish I could determine which mod it was, but again, there is no .nif file with that path identified in any of the mods I am currently running. I did identify several conflicts with the Silgrad Tower mod, but have since deselected that one.
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Two possibilities:


A: I think it MIGHT be a matter of one too many underscores, try Meshes\a\A_Netch_F_cuirass.nif

B: Just copy all the Data Files from the CS CD anyway, ALL of them. I've done this, and it seems to decrease loading time, and everything's there no matter what.

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Thank you for the quick responses here. Your time is appreciated. Regarding the underscores, I don't believe that's the case, as I just did a copy and paste of the file name from the Warnings.txt when I posted the original note here. Your point about just copying all files from the TES CS disc into the appropriate program folders is a great idea, though. I will certainly do that. What a timesaver for future mods! Meanwhile, any other ideas about finding the file in question?
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Okay, I've copied every file on the TESCS CD into its proper folder in the data files, re-extracted and reloaded all the mods, and run every mod through the "set as active file" routine in TESCS. I am still unable to get the meshes\a\A_Netch_F_cuirass.nef error corrected. I have searched every file and mod to no avail. Is there some way of recreating the file using the construction set, or perhaps replacing it with an existing file? I am at my wits end here and am preparing to dump the entire program, downloads and all, and start over again. Help!?
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I did a quick Google search on A_Netch_F_cuirass.nef

The web pages I found are in german.

This does seem to be a problem with a mod.

What female armor mods are you using? The name is something like Female Edition 2.5. and there may be a patch that adds the missing file. Try eliminating armor mods until the error goes away. You have to identify the mod and go from there.

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Thanks, Dilvish -

I found that too, but a search of the mod mentioned in the German post turned up nothing. However, I did find out what the main problem was: human error. (Feigned surprise here.) I committed what I now understand is a cardinal new mod-user error and simply loaded too much, too fast, and with no cleaning. I have dumped everthing and started over from scratch by actually reading every tutorial and read-me available on each desired mod. In addition, TEStool and the Leveled List Sequencer are proving invaluable as I reconstruct the world. As my familiarity with mod construction and interaction expands, I am beginning to suspect that the mesh problem was a conflict between Astarsis Basic Replace and another lesser-known modification. Still curious, though, how the mesh file couldn't be found on the TESCS CD, in any of the Zip files, on the hard drive, or online. Obviously an egregious oversight on the part of the unknown modder. Ah well - it has taught me a valuable lesson in patience. Thanks for your reply!

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