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Supression added on Rifle creating impassible terrain bug


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I've added ShotSupress property on rifles, and when firing from behind full cover, it creates permanently impassable terrain where the soldier sidesteps to. I'm entirely blank as to what to do about it. Can anyone help?
Also, other times it just shifts the soldier to the square they're sidestepping to.


Edit: It does not do this every time. I haven't been able to figure out when it does and when it doesn't.

Weapons=( strName="", iType=eItem_AssaultRifle, ABILITIES[0]=eAbility_ShotStandard, ABILITIES[1]=eAbility_ShotSuppress, ABILITIES[2]=eAbility_Overwatch, ABILITIES[3]=eAbility_NONE, ABILITIES[4]=eAbility_NONE, ABILITIES[5]=eAbility_NONE, Properties[0]=eWP_AnyClass, Properties[1]=eWP_None, Properties[2]=eWP_None, Properties[3]=eWP_None, Properties[4]=eWP_None, Properties[5]=eWP_None, iDamage=3, iEnvironmentDamage=20, iRange=27, iReactionRange=-1, iReactionAngle=200, iRadius=0, iCritical=10, iOffenseBonus=0, iSuppression=30, iSize=eItemSize_Large, iHPBonus=0, iWillBonus=0 )


Edited by Zerazar
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Hmm, copied that line but it didn't recreate the issue in EW Patch 1. What version/other mods are you running?

Toolboks 1.6.1 with a few ini edits. Suppressing through abilities previously this not cause this to happen, it only started after above change was made. I'm using newest steam version of EW

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Is the problem only apparent with a specific 'class' of character? Particular classes (particularly the Heavy and the Sniper) have additional restrictions and limitations that are not apparent, even when they otherwise appear to have a particular ability. Most what is known in this regard is available in the wiki article 'DefaultGameCore.ini settings - XCOM:EU 2012'.



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Is the problem only apparent with a specific 'class' of character? Particular classes (particularly the Heavy and the Sniper) have additional restrictions and limitations that are not apparent, even when they otherwise appear to have a particular ability. Most what is known in this regard is available in the wiki article 'DefaultGameCore.ini settings - XCOM:EU 2012'.



Nope, it happens even on rookies.

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