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Mod Devs: Individualized Squad VO Mod?


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How hard would it be to have the game play custom .wav files depending on which player triggered the voice line?


I recently got back into RoN with a few friends, and then came the mods.. Imagine the immersion from a simple script that runs [PLAYER_X_VO] when PLAYER_X yells or gets hit. Think of the immersion!


Willing to gofund a few cases of beer and contribute any AV help to the cause if anyone wants to tackle this.

My original commment on
Alternative American Voice Lines


Ok so my buddies and I just started to experiment with mods and maybe get back into playing this game more often.
Dude, this is amazing. It automatically made me want to put our voices into the game. I work as a video editor so audio recording and editing is no problem.

IMAGINE: An ability for everyone to have their personal voice pack! Not that many lines needed.. I have very limited mod dev knowledge but I can't imagine it would be hard for everyone to have [PLAYER_ALIAS] folders with [VO][CALL]USER_YellAtSuspect_1.wav? Then, when a PLAYER triggers yell command all other users will play their VO. Plus, maybe a basic config file to let players who don't use custom VO to use the defaults.

If anyone in the community wants to develop an Squad VO mod, I'd assist in any way I can. My friends and I would pitch in for a few cases of beer. THINK OF THE IMMERSION!

"Let me see some F***ING HAAAAANDS!"






Edited by holl0wpoint
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