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Vampires already all dead when i enter location.

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so i started a new character hadnt visited any vampire locations in awhile and now when i enter a location they are all already dead even resurrecting one with the console didnt do anything it just instantly died.




Yami's Unique gear

Yami's enchanted artifacts rebalanced

sanguinare vampiris skyrim like vampirism

Attribute progression redesign

Companion Fergus 2.1

Companion Vilja

Capped Bandits Marauders and highwaymen

Oblivion character overhaul version 2

Curse of Hircine Resurrected

Knights of the nine revelation

Krraken a land dreugh companion

Companion neeshka

Killian a spider daedra companion

Kajsa a troll companion critter

HG eyecandy body

longer summons

Vampire race disabler

eve eyecandy variants expansion



thats it for the mods if anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated. thank you

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I suspect something within Sanguinare Vampiris mod. The others look harmless enough and Vampire Race Disabler is an OBSE plugin. What happens if you disable Sanguinare Vampiris mod and use some old save without it?

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Without looking straight into its scripts I can't tell. The best course would be to try normal variant too. And as I see from the comments you already did. So the result is that default variant works correctly? I would make a bug report too in which you describe this problem as precisely as you can do (what's the problem, what did you find about it etc). Bug report should bring more attention of the author than simple comment.

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