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Player Voice and generalized commands.


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Is it possible to give your PC its own voice rather then just the standard grunts. If anyone played Neverwinter Nights 1 & 2 there is that V command. Which is just basic voice commands and greetings and what not. Is it possible to add something like to FO3. Press V then C for combat commands have a few basic options. Ya know so you can yell hey you stupid idiots stop running into middle a fire fight when the BoS and super mutties are having a minigun brawl. I have Jericho, Bittercup and Liberty Prime following me around and they just love to run off and get spattered from a behemoth or what not. Very Hard + FOOK and MMM can get a little dicey with enclave vertibird dropoff.


Simple commands that you could issue with out having to directly run up and talk to your companions would be greatly helpful. Follow, stay put, get to cover, go stealthy, or attack would really be all you need. And tagging a sound for each would just be a shinny bonus. It would go a long way to helping in making your wasteland adventurer a little less generic as well. Once the simple commands are nailed down new items could be added, like greetings or taunts and what not. Could even do blank sounds and let people just rename there own sound set items.


Granted I keep saying simple but there is nothing simple about the amount scripting that would take. IF there is anyone out there that feels up for the task I am sure it would make file of the month.

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Well anyone could pick apart voice sets from other games or create their own, and that's if it could be done. I think just the V commands would be a boon. If it could be scripted or keymapped the player would press V then C for combat and A for attack to issue a general command to all NPC followers in a set radius from the play to attack all near by foes. Or V C F for all NPC followers to disengage and follow the PC.


Suggestions for voices if it gets that far are up to the users. Anything from 40K or Gears would fit in decently with FO3, or anything from FO2.

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