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Voice problems with dark elves, orcs, and khajit


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Hi all,


I've been working on a mod and tried adding voice to some of my NPCs. For some reason all of a sudden all the Dark Elves, Orcs, and Khajit in the game are silent now. I haven't done anything to those races, and I can't figure out what's going on.


I was adding voice by reusing existing voice files (copying and changing their name as appropriate) to a bunch of Nord, so I don' understand why these races are having trouble.


Any suggestions or ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!


I tried searching and couldn't find anything.

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This might be an obvious question but is your mod activated when Dark Elves, Orcs, and Khajit are silenced? If so, does the problem go away if you deactivate your mod.


Also, do you have any other mods which add new dialogue installed?

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A Note:

By default, each race's voices are:


- Imperial Male - use own voice

- Breton Male - use own voice

- Imperial Female and Breton Female share same voice(Imperial Female)

- All Elven Male share same voice(High Elf Male)

- All Elven Female share same voice(High Elf Female)

- Nord and Orc Male share same voice(Nord Male)

- Nord and Orc Female share same voice(Nord Female)

- Argonian and Khajiit Male share same voice(Argonian Male)

- Argonian and Khajiit Female share same voice(Argonian Female)

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