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Morrowind Launcher crashes


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I've been playing Morrowind since it first came out. Currently, I have 6 different installations of Morrowind on my C drive. Lately; one-by-one, the Launcher for each game started crashing. Now I only have one game that will open with the Launcher option. I have been using the Morrowind.exe command to play. I there anything the Launcher does that .exe does not do. Am I missing anything at all by using the .exe option. I am thinking that it must be something corrupt in my Morrowind Disc 1 that I keep in my computer to play the game. I have bought at least a half dozen Morrowind games in the past because of errors with disc 1 (or I think there was problems) and that would clear the problems up. Could the Launcher problem for my current 6 installations be caused by a faulty Disc?


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