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Disease immunity


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I got to be Nereverine & have done Tribunal as well, and was just running around doing a few other things & I suddenly caught some sort of disease. I thought you were immune once you got to be nereverine, my other chap who I played the game with first time was still immune ages later. Anyone know how I can get it back?
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The only 2 diseases I know of that you can get after doing your quest is vampirism and lycanthropy (spelling). Do you still have the box on the lower left hand size that sais resist common disease 100%, resit blight 100%, and resit corpus 100%?
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If you are playing a mod it can affect things. Check to see if it is a side-effect of one of the mods you are running.


You can become a vampire after the main game but it has to do contrived. You are not immune to lycanthropy however until you have caught it and been cured. As with Vampirism once cured of lycanthropy you are not able to catch it again. (Except with Hircine's ring, which you automatically get in the game, you can become a werewolf at will!)

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I took all my stuff off and have no effects active at all! I am still Nereverine as everyone stills calls me that, but just haven't got the immunity anymore. You may be right as I was messing around with mods, but only have 1 active now, dynamic magica regeneration, and I've used that for ages no problems. Unless you know a console command to get it back I'll live with it. Thanks.
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Nope. You acquire those effects as a permanent (though apparently not in this case!) side effect of the potion Divayth Fyr gives you to cure your corprus disease during the main quest.
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i know that you get them by divath fyr when he cures you of corpus. But i seem to remeber that one of the uniqe item you get along the main quest gives you a 100 prosent immunity to corpus, blight and disseas


No. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to get corprus to get cured by Fyr. You may have had a mod running that did this or possibly created a ce item with this effect yourself (if it's possible).

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