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Game Crashes.


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I have Morrowind installed and patched.


Then I installed Trubunal and patched it.


Then I installed bloodmoon and patched it.


After that I copied over the mods I wanted:

-Better Heads.esm (heads)

-Better Heads Tribunal.esm (heads)

-Better Heads Bloodmoon.esm (heads)

-ModMan_Hungermod.esp (you have to eat or you lose stats temporarily)

-Archeron's Camping Gear v1.5.esp (lets you carry a bedroll with you)

-Hurdey Gurdey's Robe Collection 4 (hg_robe04.esp)

-Masks.esp (adds masks)

-All Classes v. 1.6.exp (adds some more classes from the construction set

-VTA_TravelBM+TRIB.esp (Travel Agency)

-Emma's Imperial Heads (new heads)

-VioletFemme.esp (Femme Boutique, female armory)

-Better Bodies.esp 2.1 (you should know what this is)

-The Imperial Legion Badge.esp (no need to wear imperial armor)

-Quarls_Gothic_Attire.esp (new clothes)

-Quarls_Gothic_AttireII.esp (new clothes)

-Quarls_hot_Girls.esp (new heads)

-Qualrs_hot_girlsII.esp (new heads)

-Complete Morrowind - Tribunal & Bloodmoon Full.esp (cooking, sewing, etc misc creativity things)

-AK_PCCLOTHIER_BALMORA_CS.esp (Allows to open a shop in balmora)

-Latest Greatest Housing Mod Gold (includes v 1 and 2)


And that's all I have installed. When I start the game I get the error that says something might conflict with versions or something, but I don't get any errors for the individual mods. While playing, sometimes when attacking the game will crash.


Anyone else have this problem before? Any known problems with these mods?


Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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The game crashes, there's nothing you can do about it. Sometimes it's frequent, sometimes you're lucky and it isn't, but Morrowind isn't a very stable program. Save often so you don't lose too much progress.


The error message, if I'm reading your mind right, just means that the plugin was created with a different patch version of Morrowind. It can be safely ignored.

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Have you read the technical support threads on this forum? Morrowind is notorious for crashing so you should get in the habit of saving often like Peregrine says.

My Morrowind crashes or locks-up every so often - maybe once every six to ten hours of gameplay. I start a new save game every level and save at least every half hour while I'm playing.

My computer isn't that great for gaming. I only have a GeForce4 MX440 64MB AGP8X video card. I believe that's the weakest link in my system.

Before I got this video card, Morrowind crashes were much more frequent.

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I am playing on a laptop and it manages so its not the graphics. Like they said the game is unstable to start with when you add in more plug-ins it just amplifies it. If you live by this motto you should be fine: "If you don't want to do it again save."
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Also when saving don't only use the quicksave option. If you save periodically to a new save file (number them so you know which is which) you can go back if you have made a mistake or lost an important document or the game loses it for you. (More likely to lose people than objects but it can happen). Remember that when you add and remove mods when loading an older game you will get various warning messages.
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