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Skyrim just decided to stop working - tried everything I can think of.


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Ok - I've got 7,500+ hours in the game, and have worked through a lot of things in that time - but this has got me stumped. My PC is way over necessary specs.


Playing with no issues until 48 hours ago W10, 1.5.97 (downgraded) via SKSE, MO2 and lots of mods.

Decided to add xVASynth voices to my character so loaded that up, created the voice files. Took the best part of a day.

Installed the required mods etc - clicked on the SKSE Skyrim icon, and it started - for about 30 seconds, then just stopped. Not far enough along to create crash logs etc.

Checked for any driver changes, updates that had sneaked past without telling me - no - NVidia had updated several days before but I had been playing after that.

Checked my antivirus and malware, firewalls etc had the required files as exclusions - ok

Removed everything installed since my last play session, including reverting any mods that had been updated to as they were before. Used resaver and checked my mod list was precisely the same (although that was probably going to be more important for failing to load a save more than not running the exe at all) - no change

Early stops like that - possible SKSE related so removed everything but SKSE itself - same thing. Removed SKSE as well so now was bare bones 1.5.97 obviously couldn't run that using SKSE, but trying the Skyrim executable - up popped the actual window to start the game, clicked play - and same thing happened.

Thought it might be corrupt game files, and as I can't "verify" 1.5.97 decided to "update" (I wanted to deactivate a few crappy CC mods I had installed, which you can't do unless your game is "current" so it wasn't a total loss)

No - won't run bare bones 1.6.whatever it is - exactly the same


Any ideas anyone?

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Solved - was a corrupted main file - reason it hadn't worked after updating was a 1.5.97 dll left in the skyrim directory and AE was crashing due ot that. Found it and removed it, worked. Ran the downgrade patcher and all happily going again.

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