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"Add friend" - done automaticly? Nexus profile


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If I add some guy to friends then I see he added me back (in his profile activity tab). Does it mean that he was online or could it be done automaticly? like some auto-accept friends feature?


Sorry for dumb question, but its kinda important for me ;)

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Depends on how the other person has set their preferences. If the other person hasn't ticked the "Allow me to approve members before they're added as a friend" box on their profile page, then your will be automatically added to their friends list.

They will not need to approve your request or manually add you to their friends list.


If they have ticked that box, they'll receive a notification of your request, which they must "approve" first. They will show up in your own friends list right away though.

Edited by BlackRampage
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Would give you +rep but havent found such function :sad:


That's called "giving a kudo" around here, and it got more complicated than it used to be with the last-before-this-most-recent update to the sites.


Here's how I do it:


1. Right-click on the person's username and choose "Open link in new tab".

2. Click the "Nexus Profile" on the far left side under the member's photo and "overview" information.

3. Click the "Kudos" icon (looks like a medal) at the top-right of the profile page.


Just checked yours, you have 22! :thumbsup:

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