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Are all mods supposed to show up on the MCM?


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Hello. It is my first day using mods and after a long experience trying to get everything to work I finally got most of my mods to work. I saw a few of them on the MCM however there were some mods not there and it really confused me because I don't know if all mods are supposed to be there or only the mods you can actually configure.


The mods that shown up on the screen.




Enhanced Blood


Realistic needs and diseases




ESF Aela


The mods that have not shown up


Duel combat realism


all three of the Populated cities, Lands, Forts.


Immersive Patrols


I hope that everything is fine and that not all mods show up but if not then I would like any advice to fix this problem asap.

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The mods that don't show up for you don't have such menu. And to answer you confusion, not all mods have an MCM menu for various reasons, mostly cause the mod doesn't need extra configuring or the author didn't make one.


Always check the mod's description to see what requirements/features the mods that you want to install have.


Ninja'd by Enai o.o

Edited by eSoDian
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Also, just because a mod is configurable that doesn't automatically mean the author opted to use MCM for the configuration. Also, any mod made prior to MCM being released will not use MCM either. Read the documentation to see if it does use it. If not find out from that documentation what you must do to configure it without MCM. Some mods that originally came out without MCM support have been patched to use it though - And the original mod will need that patch before it will able to use MCM. And that patch may not be in the same location as the mod.


Most simple mods do not need any configuration at all as they have no options to configure. :tongue:

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