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Area Healing Spell possible?


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Is it possible to have an area heal spell? Like Group Heal but more along the lines of Mass Paralyze or Earthquake? It could heal all within its radius including NPCs. I usually pause the game and see what NPCs need healing (especially in Redcliffe!), but it can get overwhelming. Redcliffe and the Caravan side quests are especially challenging, but there are a few other places that it would help. I try to save everyone I can, I'm a sucker for trying to rescue people in this game. I suppose I should just resign myself to accepting collateral damage, but I thought it worth asking if such a spell is even possible?

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It does look like a great mod, but I wanted something that would extend beyond my party to include any NPCs (friendlies) inside my range. This mod doesn't appear to do that. If spells like these can stun, damage, or kill enemies in an area, I don't know why an area heal spell couldn't heal non-party members standing nearby?


A good example for use would be inside the small battle area at the Redcliffe Siege. My mage will run around to solo-heal Murdock, Thomas, even Lloyd (heheh), with her group heal spell reserved for my party members. It's a challenge and I've only saved everyone once. That's all the knights with Ser Perth, the unnamed Redcliffe soldiers, the three drunks from Lloyd's, as well as, Berwick, Dwyn & his thugs (if you recruit them all), thus earning the helmet Bann Teagan gives you if all survive. I must have played through that scenario 100 times and never realized that saving everyone and receiving a special reward was even an option. I thought I was doing good just saving Murdock & Thomas! It got me to wondering what else I might be missing out on by not saving villagers, townspeople, and wanderers all along the way? And those Caravan quests! Seriously? It's near impossible to save all those people! Especially in the one where three people stand on the left side of the field and three on the right side with darkspawn throwing firebombs all over the place! I'm not even sure an area heal spell would help there at all! I'm happy if I can leave one or two on each side still standing! Anyway, just thought I'd ask.

Edited by Faythnu
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  • 10 months later...

Cleansing Aura from the Spirit Healer Specialisation?

"It can be used similar during The Attack at Nightfall, where it will heal the villagers and the knights, making it easier to earn the Helm of the Red."

Source: https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Cleansing_Aura

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