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How to declare Sound Marker property in a script

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I have created a sound descriptor FO4_ChurchBellsRinging and a sound marker FO4_ChurchBellsRingingMarker in the CK. The FO4_ChurchBellsRingingMarker is placed in the church steeple. I want to play the sound via a script but can’t seem to find a way to declare the FO4_ChurchBellsRingingMarker. The script itself is attached to a quest. Suggestions.

Scriptname WorkshopSummonedByChurchScript extends Quest

RefCollectionAlias Property Alias_WorkshopNPCs Auto Const

ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Workshop Auto Const

workshopparentscript Property WorkshopParent Auto Const

ActorValue Property WorkshopBellDistance Auto Const

ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Bell Auto Const

Sound Property FO4_ChurchBellsRinging const auto
{Sound Descriptor that this script will play}

???? Sound Marker Property FO4_ChurchBellsRingingMarker const auto
{Marker depicting the location from which the sound will play}

function Startup()
; debug.trace(self + " FO4_SummonCongregationQuest: Stage 10 The summon quest has begun")
ObjectReference[] workshopNPCs = WorkshopParent.GetWorkshopActors(Alias_Workshop.GetRef() as WorkshopScript)
; add them all to the collection
int i = 0
while i < workshopNPCs.Length
ObjectReference theNPC = workshopNPCs[i]
; what distance to travel (to randomize a bit)
int dieRoll = Utility.RandomInt(0, 2)
theNPC.SetValue(WorkshopBellDistance, dieRoll)
i += 1
; start timer

; timer shuts down quest
;Event OnTimerGameTime(int aiTimerID)

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I have created a sound descriptor FO4_ChurchBellsRinging and a sound marker FO4_ChurchBellsRingingMarker in the CK. The FO4_ChurchBellsRingingMarker is placed in the church steeple. I want to play the sound via a script but can’t seem to find a way to declare the FO4_ChurchBellsRingingMarker. The script itself is attached to a quest. Suggestions.
Scriptname WorkshopSummonedByChurchScript extends Quest

RefCollectionAlias Property Alias_WorkshopNPCs Auto Const

ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Workshop Auto Const

workshopparentscript Property WorkshopParent Auto Const

ActorValue Property WorkshopBellDistance Auto Const

ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Bell Auto Const

Sound Property FO4_ChurchBellsRinging const auto
{Sound Descriptor that this script will play}

???? Sound Marker Property FO4_ChurchBellsRingingMarker const auto
{Marker depicting the location from which the sound will play}

function Startup()
	; debug.trace(self + " FO4_SummonCongregationQuest: Stage 10 The summon quest has begun")
	ObjectReference[] workshopNPCs = WorkshopParent.GetWorkshopActors(Alias_Workshop.GetRef() as WorkshopScript)
	; add them all to the collection
	int i = 0
	while i < workshopNPCs.Length
		ObjectReference theNPC = workshopNPCs[i]
		; what distance to travel (to randomize a bit)
		int dieRoll = Utility.RandomInt(0, 2)
		theNPC.SetValue(WorkshopBellDistance, dieRoll)
		i += 1
	; start timer

; timer shuts down quest
;Event OnTimerGameTime(int aiTimerID)


You can put the Sound Descriptor(s) in a "FormList" and declare it instead in your script.

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Resolved: So apparently, one cannot declare a Sound Marker as a property in the script. The workaround was to use an xmarker (FO4_ChurchBellsLocMarker).


ObjectReference Property FO4_ChurchBellsLocMarker const auto
{XMarker depicting the location from which the sound will play}
This worked okay; however, the sound was loud enough because of the distance. Reverted back to using the player as the ref.
Scriptname WorkshopSummonedByChurchScript extends Quest

; ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
; ║                   Properties                    ║
; ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════╝

RefCollectionAlias Property Alias_WorkshopNPCs Auto Const

ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Workshop Auto Const

workshopparentscript Property WorkshopParent Auto Const

ActorValue Property WorkshopBellDistance Auto Const

ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Bell Auto Const

;Sound Property FO4_ChurchBellsRinging const auto
;{Sound Descriptor that this script will play}

ObjectReference Property FO4_ChurchBellsLocMarker const auto
{XMarker depicting the location from which the sound will play}

Actor Property pPlayerREF Auto Const Mandatory

function Startup()
	; debug.trace(self + " FO4_SummonCongregationQuest: Stage 10 The summon quest has begun")
	ObjectReference[] workshopNPCs = WorkshopParent.GetWorkshopActors(Alias_Workshop.GetRef() as WorkshopScript)
	; add them all to the collection
	int i = 0
	while i < workshopNPCs.Length
		ObjectReference theNPC = workshopNPCs[i]
		; what distance to travel (to randomize a bit)
		int dieRoll = Utility.RandomInt(0, 2)
		theNPC.SetValue(WorkshopBellDistance, dieRoll)
		i += 1
	; start timer

function Shutdown()
	;start timer
	; timer shuts down quest

Event OnTimerGameTime(int aiTimerID)
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There are two other common cases of non persistent workshop assigned actors with unloaded 3d that GetWorkshopActors will not find which are good to include for full QOL:

(pWorkshopParent as WorkshopParentScript).CaravanActorAliases

(pGenericGoHome as GenericGoHomeScript).GoHomeActors


Filter local workshop members with (thisActor as WorkshopNPCScript).GetWorkshopID() == iWorkshopID

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There are two other common cases of non persistent workshop assigned actors with unloaded 3d that GetWorkshopActors will not find which are good to include for full QOL:

(pWorkshopParent as WorkshopParentScript).CaravanActorAliases

(pGenericGoHome as GenericGoHomeScript).GoHomeActors


Filter local workshop members with (thisActor as WorkshopNPCScript).GetWorkshopID() == iWorkshopID


Good copy SKK50. I will file this away in my big book of knowledge that I'm collecting.

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Ah, I get it now.

Nope. You have to use Form for that, like SKK50 probably already pointed out.


Re the volume thing: To vary sound volume, you can create a new sound output model and adjust attenuation. But this will only ever lower volume, never increase it.

I think you could set up an effect chain to boost the volume. That, or simply edit a copy of the the base sound file with Audacity.

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