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Security breach from password detected three times in one year


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As the title suggests. Google has detected that my password has been part of a detected breach

I know there are more breaches than what is discovered.

Has there been any work on the part of Nexus Mods that can help?

Edited by Alvsyn
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If you check https://haveibeenpwned.com/, your email/password has been breached many times, by many different providers. Including our 2013 incident - I hope you've changed your password since then.


I believe the checker is simply saying "that username and password combination has been found in one or more breaches across the web", which likely means you share your Nexus Mods email/username/password with accounts from other websites that had a data breach. It's good practice not to use the same password across multiple websites.


In this case, please change your password on Nexus Mods to something unique. If you struggle to keep track of lots of passwords, a password manager will help with that.

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