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in a andecisive gaming rutt!


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besides that thread thats on here, id never even heard of it.


while im a hypocrite in saying this since i went out and bought a game, i wasnt so much looking for a game i didnt game, but a game i already had that i should play. my Steam List consists of numerous games, and several big titles, so the point behind this was to get peoples opinions of the titles they saw or i listed, as to which one is worthy of my time RIGHT NOW! lol.


as i said, its a little moot point because i ended up buying a game i didnt have and on the PS3 no less, but yea lo..

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I've been in this rut for over a year. The last game I've enjoyed playing was Saints Row 4 but, other new games? Watched their youtube playthroughs while leveling in GW2 and SWTOR. Somehow I don't consider MMORPG to be "gaming" in the old fashioned way, they're more like a second job to me.


I think we're in that confused transition between enjoying a movie and heavily interacting with either people and/or modding stuff to no end. I can't enjoy action-shooters as I used to, and nowadays they're so scripted that I'd rather watch the whole thing on the 'tube.

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yea, i still play GW2. just just started Ni No Kuni, i like it so far, but ive only gotten 2 hours in maybe. been busy lately, and that helped. so when i do get some time in to GW2 im not as sick of it. if anything, taking some time off, doing something else, even if only for a few days or a week, is a really good remedy for a gaming rut. even if you come back to the game you left.

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