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Dispose of dead bodies mod


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I just made a request for a mod for fallout 3 that allows you to dispose of dead bodies ad I figured it would be just as useful in new vegas. Essentially what i'm wanting is some way to either select a command thats liek the take all and exit buttons but instead removes the body from the game much like morrowind had, or some way to do it by activating the body while crouching or when you press a certain key. I've no idea how possible this is and a quick search of the nexus yeilds nothing so as far as I know no mods exist that specifically do this. I would be a nice mod for people that like immersion because well why would an assassin or assassin liek characterj ust leave a dead body laying around and for people with lower end machines you could remove the body and therfore have fewer things to load, every bit helps you know? Anyway I would appriciate somebody making this mod.

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If you open the console and click on the body you can write in 'disable' no '' and it will disappear. Do this with caution as its a pain to get them back and if you miss click you could remove big chunks of the floor and or world.

Edited by robsmith
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Well yeah that works but thats not the character getting rid of the body, thats you cheating or just disabling the actor. I specifically had in mind something like the player hits a key and it cuts to a black screen and then the text box that announces things like DLC activating saying something like "You look around and quickly hide the body in a bush" and its actuallity it's just removing the body from the game. I just really liked how in morrowind you could kill something loot it and then dispose of the body so if you killed somebody it was really realistic and as much as i'm one of those people who hates people that say how immersive the game was/is immersive.

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So you want exactly what I stated, but with a pause and a notification? It does exactly what you want without all the extras, it removes to body from the game. EDIT: I will add some details. Any mod that added what you want would just execute the 'disable' command and then display a modified karma message via a script. Doing it manually is quicker, easier and you don't have scripts to worry about, not that you really should.

Edited by robsmith
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