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I have several mods add, and i'm sure it's one of them tahts doing it but i keep getting amsg saying


TES3Stream Warning: model"Meshes\_MN\_mn_nv_redg_f_02_v1.NIF" tex not found "Textures\MN\mn_nv_redgaurdfe_1g.dds"


texture load error




And so on for the Redguard female, and I get it for the Breton male some times too, now I know if I remove all my mods and single out the one that is causing the msg it would be simple, however I really don't want to have to go through them all. Has any one else had this problem, and if so what is the easiest way to fix it?

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If you search the forum re missing meshes you'll see we had a similar thread recently that may help you.


The absence of a specific mesh or texture file will not usually prevent you from playing the game and beyond getting the message you may never come up against a difficulty. These messages are not uncommon and by and large can be ignored. Occasionally during play you find areas whited out or yellow triangles indicating a missing file. These too can be ignored if not significant to your game. Very occasionally they may cause crashes and those will need to be addressed.


Many messages come from the fact that the files you need are in the wrong place on your system (the thread referred to above should help here). Sometimes the modder omits them in error and the only way of sorting it out is to contact the modder. (There may already have been a new version issued as you won't be the only one with problems.) Before doing anything else check to see that within your data file/ textures folder you don't have sub-folders called 'data files' or 'textures'. If you do, move their contents manually to the right place.


Good luck.


BTW if it is a redguard head that is missing you don't have a huge number of mods it could be in. Use the construction set to check it out.

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