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Differing textures on females between head and body

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Hello guys,


I apologize in advance if the description of my problem is unclear or imprecise. It's not a huge problem, and it doesn't bother me too much, but it would be great if I can get it resolved.


Here's the problem:


I just recently purchased the Oblivion GOTY edition and applied the following mods:



2. Cute Elves Race 1.2.2

3. Enhanced Skin for HGEC Cute Elves 1.0


I've followed the instructions correctly, and the mods look amazing, but I have noticed that there is a visible difference between the head + upper neck AND the rest of the body. I'm not just talking about the seam that divides them, but they seem to have different textures altogether. I've noticed this not only on the Cute Elves NPCs, but also on all the female NPCs in the game (maybe except the Argonian females...lol). This is also observable regardless of the clothing, or lack thereof.


I will try to post a screen shot later, but does anyone know what I'm talking about, and more importantly, how to fix it, if possible?


Thanks in advance!

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