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Church concept for Fallout 4

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Okay, here is where I stand with the troubleshooting. First, here is the relevant byte from the log:
[03/29/2023 - 03:37:40PM] error: (0C96F93C): cannot start scene because its parent quest was not running.
[ (0C96F93C)].Scene.Start() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (0C8C05C0)].Bart:ActivateSermonScript01.OnActivate() - "C:\Users\Omega1\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\Bart\ActivateSermonScript01.psc" Line 23
The ActivateSermonScript01 resides on ChurchLectern. I have also tried PastorAliasScript on the Alias_Pastor. Both at this point are yielding similar results. When the NPC pastor loads into the furniture (Church Lectern), the lectern light engagse but the quest scene does not play.
Scriptname PastorAliasScript extends ReferenceAlias
;/Script designed to automatically play a random scene(sermon) once the NPC (pastor) loads into the  
furniture (church lectern).  Script resides on the pastor alias.
Special thanks to DieFeM for the assist.

; ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
; ║                   Properties                    ║
; ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════╝

Scene property PastorAllenSermon01 Auto Const Mandatory
ObjectReference Property FO4_LecternLightsEnable Auto Const Mandatory
Furniture Property FO4_ChurchLectern02 Auto Const Mandatory

Event OnSit(ObjectReference akFurniture)
	;Debug.Trace(self + "PastorAliasScript OnSit " + akFurniture)
	If (akFurniture.GetBaseObject() as Furniture) == FO4_ChurchLectern02
		;Debug.Trace("PastorAliasScript: the pastored has enter the pulpit")
		; Add addition code to randomly select a scene to play
		; Turn the lectern lights on

Event OnGetUp(ObjectReference akFurniture)
  If (akFurniture.GetBaseObject() as Furniture) == FO4_ChurchLectern02
		; Debug.Trace("PastorAliasScript: the pastored has left the pulpit")
		; Turn off the lectern lights
Scriptname Bart:ActivateSermonScript01 extends ObjectReference Const
;/Script designed to automatically play a random scene(sermon) once the NPC (pastor) loads into the  
furniture (church lectern).  Script resides on the church lectern.
Special thanks to DieFeM and lee3310 for the assist.

Scene property PastorAllenSermon01 Auto Const Mandatory
ObjectReference Property FO4_LecternLightsEnable Auto Const Mandatory
ObjectReference Property FO4_PastorAllen Auto Const
Quest Property FO4_BartonvillePastorDialogueSermons Auto Const Mandatory

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
	if akActionRef == FO4_PastorAllen
      	; Add addition code to randomly select a scene to play
		; Turn the lectern lights on
		; Start up the scene

The quest has Start Game Enabled and Allow repeated stages checked.




Running sqv FO4_BartonvillePastorDialogueSermons suggests the quest is not running.



The quest has no stages at this point.
Now on Saturday when I recorded the video, it worked, but obviously I have done something to FUBUR it, but not been successful yet in isolating the problem.
Edited by pepperman35
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Okay, here is where I stand with the troubleshooting. First, here is the relevant byte from the log:
[03/29/2023 - 03:37:40PM] error: (0C96F93C): cannot start scene because its parent quest was not running.
[ (0C96F93C)].Scene.Start() - "<native>" Line ?
[ (0C8C05C0)].Bart:ActivateSermonScript01.OnActivate() - "C:\Users\Omega1\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\Bart\ActivateSermonScript01.psc" Line 23
The ActivateSermonScript01 resides on ChurchLectern. I have also tried PastorAliasScript on the Alias_Pastor. Both at this point are yielding similar results. When the NPC pastor loads into the furniture (Church Lectern), the lectern light engagse but the quest scene does not play.
Scriptname PastorAliasScript extends ReferenceAlias
;/Script designed to automatically play a random scene(sermon) once the NPC (pastor) loads into the  
furniture (church lectern).  Script resides on the pastor alias.
Special thanks to DieFeM for the assist.

; ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
; ║                   Properties                    ║
; ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════╝

Scene property PastorAllenSermon01 Auto Const Mandatory
ObjectReference Property FO4_LecternLightsEnable Auto Const Mandatory
Furniture Property FO4_ChurchLectern02 Auto Const Mandatory

Event OnSit(ObjectReference akFurniture)
	;Debug.Trace(self + "PastorAliasScript OnSit " + akFurniture)
	If (akFurniture.GetBaseObject() as Furniture) == FO4_ChurchLectern02
		;Debug.Trace("PastorAliasScript: the pastored has enter the pulpit")
		; Add addition code to randomly select a scene to play
		; Turn the lectern lights on

Event OnGetUp(ObjectReference akFurniture)
  If (akFurniture.GetBaseObject() as Furniture) == FO4_ChurchLectern02
		; Debug.Trace("PastorAliasScript: the pastored has left the pulpit")
		; Turn off the lectern lights
Scriptname Bart:ActivateSermonScript01 extends ObjectReference Const
;/Script designed to automatically play a random scene(sermon) once the NPC (pastor) loads into the  
furniture (church lectern).  Script resides on the church lectern.
Special thanks to DieFeM and lee3310 for the assist.

Scene property PastorAllenSermon01 Auto Const Mandatory
ObjectReference Property FO4_LecternLightsEnable Auto Const Mandatory
ObjectReference Property FO4_PastorAllen Auto Const
Quest Property FO4_BartonvillePastorDialogueSermons Auto Const Mandatory

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
	if akActionRef == FO4_PastorAllen
      	; Add addition code to randomly select a scene to play
		; Turn the lectern lights on
		; Start up the scene

The quest has Start Game Enabled and Allow repeated stages checked.




Running sqv FO4_BartonvillePastorDialogueSermons suggests the quest is not running.



The quest has no stages at this point.
Now on Saturday when I recorded the video, it worked, but obviously I have done something to FUBUR it, but not been successful yet in isolating the problem.


I'm not seeing you starting the quest like i told you in the previous post. Did you try that ?

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
	if akActionRef == FO4_PastorAllen
      	; Add addition code to randomly select a scene to play
		; Turn the lectern lights on
		; Reset The Quest
		; Start up the scene
                If ChurchQuest.IsRunning()
                   Debug.Trace("Quest not running")

Also, if the quest is only used for the sermon part, untick the start game enable since it's repeatable (can be started with the lectern) and you can start the scene OnQuestInit() event instead.

Edited by lee3310
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I'm not seeing you starting the quest like i told you in the previous post. Did you try that ?


I ran sqv FO4_BartonvillePastorDialogueSermons as you suggested and it reported the quest was not started and I tried multiple things but could not get it to fire up. But after much investigation I did manage to get it working again. Four days troubleshooting resolved with a single line (i.e., conditioned the quest off the pastor voice type. Just tested it...coc'd to the settlement from the start menu then ran sqv which reported the quest running.


Thanks guys for the help. I'll take a look at OnQuestInit() event too. Personally, not done much questing so this is quite the experience.

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I'm not seeing you starting the quest like i told you in the previous post. Did you try that ?


I ran sqv FO4_BartonvillePastorDialogueSermons as you suggested and it reported the quest was not started and I tried multiple things but could not get it to fire up. But after much investigation I did manage to get it working again. Four days troubleshooting resolved with a single line (i.e., conditioned the quest off the pastor voice type. Just tested it...coc'd to the settlement from the start menu then ran sqv which reported the quest running.


Thanks guys for the help. I'll take a look at OnQuestInit() event too. Personally, not done much questing so this is quite the experience.


Also, if you have any unfilled non-optional alias, the quest won't start...

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Fantastic! Are you voicing the minister?


Also, tell me if I can help you in any way. I think you said you're working on a settlement, and I need to get some experience in while also in fact finishing any mod-work that I set out to do... (this is easier when part of a team).


Skills: Papyrus (behavior and utilities), Graphics, CK wrangling, extracting stuff from xEdit, general troubleshooting.

RaidersClamoring, thank you for the offer. The current challenge for me to overcome is here, so if you have any thoughts, or expertise I'd welcome the input.

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Work progresses, albeit slowly. Currently, working on the script that summons the NPCs to the church. Trying to make the seating more organized, if possible, preventing robots from coming to church and trying to account for max seating capacity. Here's what I have thus far.

Scriptname WorkshopSummonedByChurchScript extends Quest
;/Script designed to summon the settlement's NPC to the church.  
AI packages are placed on the NPC aliases to facilitate seating  
Script resides on the quest.
RefCollectionAlias Property Alias_WorkshopNPCs Auto Const
ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Workshop Auto Const
ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Bell Auto Const
workshopparentscript Property WorkshopParent Auto Const
Furniture Property FO4_NpcBenchChurchSit01 Auto Const Mandatory
Actor Property pPlayerREF Auto Const Mandatory
ActorValue Property WorkshopBellDistance Auto Const
GlobalVariable Property FO4_CongregationSummonState Auto Const Mandatory
ObjectReference Property FO4_ChurchBellsLocMarker const auto
Sound Property FO4_ChurchBellsRinging const auto
Keyword Property LinkCustom01 Auto Const mandatory
Race property HumanRace Auto Const Mandatory
ObjectReference Property FO4_ChurchPulpit01REF Auto Const mandatory
ObjectReference Property FO4_GoToChurchMarker Auto Const mandatory

int numNPCsToSeat = 0
int MaxSeatingCapacity = 52

function Startup()
    ; debug.trace(self + " FO4_SummonCongregationQuest: Summoning the NPC")
    ObjectReference[] furnitureObjects = pPlayerREF.FindAllReferencesOfType(FO4_NpcBenchChurchSit01 as Form, 10240 as float)
    ObjectReference[] workshopNPCs = WorkshopParent.GetWorkshopActors(Alias_Workshop.GetRef() as WorkshopScript)
    ; For each nondead, human NPC, link each human NPC to a furniture object
    int objectIndex = 0
    int npcIndex = 0
    while npcIndex < workshopNPCs.Length 
        ObjectReference theNPC = workshopNPCs[npcIndex]
        ObjectReference theFurnitureObject = furnitureObjects[objectIndex]
		if ((theNPC as Actor).IsDead() == False) && ((theNPC as Actor).GetRace() == HumanRace)
			Debug.Trace("The actor is not dead, and they are human, so we link them")
			theNPC.SetLinkedRef(theFurnitureObject, LinkCustom01)
			if npcIndex % 4 == 0
				objectIndex += 1
		npcIndex += 1
	Debug.Trace("WorkshopSummonedByChurchScript: We needed this many pews for our settlers " + objectIndex)
    ; add linked NPCs to the collection
    npcIndex = 0
    while npcIndex < workshopNPCs.Length && Alias_WorkshopNPCs.GetCount() < MaxSeatingCapacity
        ObjectReference theNPC = workshopNPCs[npcIndex]
		; Check how far away the NPC is from the church lectern.  Teleport 
		; NPCs closer if they are too far away to speed up the process
		if theNPC.GetDistance(FO4_ChurchPulpit01REF) > 3000
			; Debug.Notification("The distance beetween this NPC and the church lectern is " + theNPC.GetDistance(FO4_ChurchPulpit01REF))
		; Now we want to only add those actors that we have ref linked earlier
        if theNPC.GetLinkedRef(LinkCustom01)
            numNPCsToSeat += 1
        npcIndex += 1
    ; Set a flag so we know the congregation has been summoned
    FO4_CongregationSummonState.SetValue(1 as float)

function Shutdown()
    ;start timer
    ; timer shuts down quest

Event OnTimerGameTime(int aiTimerID)
    FO4_CongregationSummonState.SetValue(0 as float)
Edited by pepperman35
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Well, after multiple tests, I would say the above script works to a degree. I seems to keep robots out of the church and max out the capacity but I can't say it is any more efficient at seating the NPCs in the pews...reminds me of the game musical chairs. Need to explore an alternative way(s) to get butts in seats, in a more organized manner. The size of the church's front door is somewhat problematic as it create a bottleneck. Ideas welcomed and appreciated.

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