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Companions help fight the first dragon


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if a dragon is threatening whiterun, home of the only honorable mercenary group in skyrim, wouldn't that be like the thing for them to do? defend there home city and citizens?




more specifically when you follow irileth to fight the dragon at the watchtower in outside whiterun, why are the companions (and I mean all of them) not iching for a chance to bring it down for honor and glory? I would like a mod that does just that in some way.


ideas are:


1. you talk to kadlak before you leave the city and tell him whats going on and he leads the companions out following the guards and Irileth.


2.if you are using quest delayers and lead the companions already then YOU lead them out to the watchtower.


3. Balgruuf's brother tells the companions and same as the first they follow the gaurds.


4. EASIEST (I think) no dialog or anything they just go out there as if its supposed to be like that. cus it is. :smile:

Edited by Dracula420
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