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File description character limit


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Sorry if this has already been asked previously, I'm wondering if there's any chance of increasing the character limit for file descriptions, seem to constantly be butting up to the limit there, 255 characters is a pretty small amount to try and describe things specific to a file like how to set it up properly, or potential issues it might have...


Those two kinds of things could always be put on main page, but when they're specific to a certain file it'd be much better suited next to the file itself IMO.


I've seen some uploaders work around this limit by using images in the file description instead, always seems kinda rough since browser might resize that image though, and also wouldn't really want to include something that screen readers & search engines would have no chance of using.


(also doesn't help that BBCode counts toward the limit too, makes it very hard to include a link in the text without needing to remove most of the rest of it...)


Tried searching if anyone else suggested this but only found this post from 2016, which sadly didn't seem to get any response: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4857660-file-descriptions-longer-than-255-characters/?hl=%2Bfile+%2Bdescription+%2Bcharacter+%2Blimit

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You should put the install instructions on the description page for best results. That field is intended to be a very short description of the file (if required) - mostly it's left blank. An image in the file description is an absolutely terrible workaround when it comes to accessibility as you say.


If you mod files have drastically different install instructions then I'd start to wonder if they need to be on the same mod page?


Perhaps you can give some examples of what you're trying to add for context?

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