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Has an Update ruined Routa?


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Eli's Routa is complete, finito, done! There's no possibility of bugs with this house. I've been using it in countless playthroughs since 2016.

But now this my third different load order for AE 640 and Routa is once again, floorless. it has a floor, but no collision.

Can someone please confirm if playing on AE 640 if Routa's floor lets you fall straight thro over and over as you try to walk inside????

Because XEdit says nothing touches this mod. Not a dam thing. There is no way any mod could ever touch the inside of Routa. And the assets Eli used being changed in the update (some asset) is the only thing I can think of. Is this mod really update-broken? Or is this some kind of ridiculous fluke that may or may not happen if I install on yet another load order?

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My experience with other houses is that sometimes the load order seems important. That means it can be possible to lower your mod in the load order, even if LOOT and xEdit says nothing about it.

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Ive just downloaded and tested it on game version 1.6.640 and it worked fine.There was nothing wrong with the floors.Only tested the stormcloack version not the other optional one.


This suggests that its a problem on your end and not the mod.You need to verify the integrity of your game files in steam.If its still broken then you will have to find the mod in your load order thats causing it.


Start with just the unofficial patch installed in a new profile and add in your other mods in groups until it breaks again.Its tedious,but there is no easy answer.

Edited by kryten397
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