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Where to ask for help?


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Greetings to everyone who reads these few lines...


I'd like to ask where should I ask for help regarding mod partnership. There's no such category on this forum, so I apologize if I didn't choose the right one...


I'm working on some mod...


...but I'm not very good at modelling/texturing, so I'd like to eventually recruit somebody who has some spare time and willing to help...




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  • 2 months later...

I also asked this same question fairly recently and no one replied to me either. Your Black Mesa mod looks decent from the screenshot, it shoud be noted that Big MT in New Vegas is actually the real life Black Mesa, but given the amount of secret facilities across the states there could be another version Black Mesa elsewhere, are you still working on this?

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Thanks for reply. I was hoping that nobody will answer me after 3 months...

Well, so answer to your question is:

Yes, currently I'm working on Blast Pit level, so the progress continues, although it's very time consuming. Since those 3 months I somehow improved in modelling/texturing skills, but animation is still a complete mystery to me (I mean animation that is used in meshes like dlcanchfrelevshaft01 or UtlRmFan01).

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I hear you, still nobody replied to mine either as I am in need of help to get my mod running. I did get advice though on how to overcome obsticles by messaging people who luckily for me are kind enough to point me in the right direction. Currently building my mod now, no good in modelling, but texturing I can do. Animation always been a pain in da arse, my strengths are in coming up with storys and concept art, plus my GECK skills are improving also. Are you gonna include NPCS in this Black Mesa building then

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Thanks for reply. I was hoping that nobody will answer me after 3 months...

Well, so answer to your question is:

Yes, currently I'm working on Blast Pit level, so the progress continues, although it's very time consuming. Since those 3 months I somehow improved in modelling/texturing skills, but animation is still a complete mystery to me (I mean animation that is used in meshes like dlcanchfrelevshaft01 or UtlRmFan01).

I'll look at it for you.


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Well, I'm not good in modelling either. And of course I'm also not good in texturing, but I think I'm improving everytime I spend my time with Blender. :)

Your last sentence is somehow unfinished or something... you're probably asking if there'll be NPCs in my mod? Yes, there'll be enemies as well as some NPCs (scientists for example). In early development I also wanted to make a companion, but later I decided to not do that.



Preparing a PM... :)

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