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A Truly Magnificent Winterhold Rebuilt


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I would really like to see 1a the big modders/teams build an immersive, glorious and true to lore version of Winterhold rebuilt.


Not only are we talking about a town with the potential to be restored to its former glory before the collapse, but also, possibilities for an incredible quest line.


As the new Archmage, who no longer has the problems of his predecessor, do you not think you have the responsibility of both fixing the reputation of the college and of the town that hosts it?

Too long have the citizens of Winterhold scoffed at the passing magi, instead of revering them as they should. I believe that Winterhold should not be a ruin on the side of the cliff, rather it should be the most technologically fitted city in all of Skyrim, maybe even Tamriel. It should be benefitting from the Mages College's research and not suffering from an accident that may or may not have been the result of an experiment gone wrong.


All you real world magi, that chop n change our game for the better every day have an opportunity here!!!

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Before just another Fix Winterhold Mod witch theres so many out there, why not make a Script or Quest where you Investigate the Cause of the Sea of Ghosts.


Both Jarls Stormcloack/Imperial Never lifts a finger to Rebuild Winterhold.


The Stormcloak Jarl Complains half his life about the College, but never thinks of Rebuilding the City or atleast put a Blacksmith for the "Town"


When the Jarl from the Imperial Side sits on the Throne, no Quest pops up to Fix the City at all.


Is Winterhold Forever going to be a Town then.

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Yea but they just Rebuild the City, none of them makes it more Immersive with a backstory. :sad:


I absolutely Love Mods with a Aftermath, Helgen Rebuild comes to mind. :smile:


And yea, consider this My Request aswell Please. :wink:

Edited by daventry
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I would almost want a mod where the Jarl makes the attempt but never quite completes or suceeds at it, I like the poignant reminder of the changes in Tamriel since well, the start of the Elder Scrolls.

Certainly the Imperial Jarl should give it a go as he would not have the predjudice against magic, I wonder if repairs ala Hearthfire wouldnt work well to the existing wrecked houses, and yes, how would any enchanter operate without a basic smithy at least.


But the threat of whatever caused the Great Collapse is still there/unknown and I can imagine that would discourage new inhabitants, so it should be really hard to recruit a smith like you can only perhaps get Ghorza gra-Bagol unskilled apprentice or perhaps rather recruit one from the Imperial camps or something - post civil war of course. Peacetime work :blush:

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