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Hey Nexus!


The friendly community on Nexus has helped me countless times with bugs from installing mods the wrong way etc.

However I still managed to f*** up again I dont know how since Ive been reading everything very careful this time around but it seems that all skyforge weapons have become purple since installing amidianborns book of silence and later I discovered that some of the other equipment is purple aswell.

To see what I am talking about click the link below.




Thanks for all the help :smile:

Edited by mrabdominol
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This sometimes happens when there is not enough memory to display everything, but I don't remember seeing any of this since the early days of Skyrim. Your game is fully updated right?


And what are your computer specs?

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I believe it turns purple when it loads a mesh (the shape) but not the texture (the appearance). If you're updated properly like Zaldiir suggested, then I'd just try re-installing Book of Silence. If it still doesn't work, you might simply not be able to run those textures.

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This sometimes happens when there is not enough memory to display everything, but I don't remember seeing any of this since the early days of Skyrim. Your game is fully updated right?


And what are your computer specs?

It is a new better computer then my last one had no problems like this back then.

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I believe it turns purple when it loads a mesh (the shape) but not the texture (the appearance). If you're updated properly like Zaldiir suggested, then I'd just try re-installing Book of Silence. If it still doesn't work, you might simply not be able to run those textures.

it really shouldnt be a problem Ive got my game so it should update whenever there is a new update. :confused:

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