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Let's talk about NpcBenchChurchSit01

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Well, the mystery is solved, and by the looks of your video seems to work flawlessly. Thank you so much for showing the way, it is appreciated.


BTW, when you edit the file did you keep or remove the keyword "AnimFurnPraying"


Edited by pepperman35
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I removed the AnimFurnPraying keyword from the pew.

I mentioned the condition on the FurniturePraying idle in the text but I forgot to tell you to remove it, in your copy of the idle, in the Fo4Edit instructions.

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Well, the mystery is solved, and by the looks of your video seems to work flawlessly. Thank you so much for showing the way, it is appreciated.


BTW, when you edit the file did you keep or remove the keyword "AnimFurnPraying"


So playIdle() does work on furniture but was blocked by a condition ?


I don't think there is a way to slow down the transition but you can probably randomize the execution a little so not all NPCs bow at the same time like Robots :laugh: . (GetAt(rnd) / utility.wait())

Edited by lee3310
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I don't think there is a way to slow down the transition but you can probably randomize the execution a little so not all NPCs bow at the same time like Robots :laugh: . (GetAt(rnd) / utility.wait())


Randomizing this sounds like a great thing to try. I need to tweak the timing anyway so I might as well add this into the mix. Pelgar explians the setup on page two of this thread, in case you are interested in the technique.

Edited by pepperman35
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