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[REQ] Midicow's improbable wishlist


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It's been a while since I've posted on here, used to comb the forums for ideas and put them into maYuYang's thread but she poof-ed, as did I.




[Critical Failures and usage Items]


Would like to see something like fallout tactics, where if you had a bad luck roll you could end up doing something hilarious.

Fallout3 seems to have toned down on the item usages, but one mod that might go well with this would be Doctor of the Wastes, where you are able to use specialized items (similar to medkits and doctor bags) to heal yourself and others. Further expansion might include repair kits, lockpicks (analogue/digital), etc.


Example1: Raider shoots gun but gets horrible luck roll, and nails a nearby car, BOOM.

Example2: Player has horrible medicine skill, tries to heal his sprained ankle and critically injures his eye, tries to heal eye and stabs himself to death in the foot.


[Martigens and general animal/ai changes, anti Radar]


This one is a bit complicated and I have my doubts to its possibility.


This may be more of an opinion, than fact, but it seems to me that ai behavior and spawn lists seem to be lacking in reality to some degree. Granted fo3 is supposed to be outlandish and unrealistic, but I would suspect that any animal able to survive and thrive would adhere to basic principles of life. This said, I believe something that is the opposite of the "natural selection" addon for marts, that even for example: fearsome predators like deathclaws wouldn't go all out to kill everything in its sight.


If I were to characterize what I wanted changed or altered in terms of ai->ai interaction, I would like to see a change in ai that modifies their aggressiveness based on factors attached to them, such as: time of day, npc need, group concentration and strength of ai in subject, group concentration and strength of ai being targetted by subject AI. Furthermore I would like to see predatory animals follow nocturnal/diurnal spawning in leveled lists (except when close to nests or sources like old Olney), and avoid contact or battle with hostile npcs if not "hungry".


1. Nocturnal animals would tend to spawn at night and diurnal animals would tend to spawn at day, except near concentration points (like deathclaws around nests)


2. Predators would kill only to eat or defend.


3. Animals try to avoid suicidally rushing at stuff like nuclear bomb toting enclave or super behemoths.



Example1: It is daytime, starving pack of vicious dogs comes across a lone traveler, they attack as normal. If killed, they may perhaps spend time devouring said corpse.


Example2: same pack of vicious dogs happens across a mr handy, no longer starving, the vicious dogs avoid the handy.


Example3: Mirelurk (not really sure if mirelurks are nocturnal/diurnal) spots a group of enclave in the distance, avoids.


Example 4: Group of deathclaws at night spot a group of enclave in the distance, approaching nest/concentration area, sneaks up and attacks


An example of what erks me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HmVaq_Kt2A


The deathclaw in the beginning of this movie shows what I'm talking about, the animal ai just goes and kills stuff for no reason.


I guess yeah, Brahman are tasty, and the wastelander is shooting at it, but then it goes off and rushes the main character even though its not being attacked and has plenty of meat nearby.



I have extreme doubts about this one:


Speaking of which, it would be nice if you could somehow limit detection to LOS and hearing only.. and have the npc actually seek out a visual lock before "knowing" where targets are.


If you watch that last link further, the machinima dude spawns a clone in the closet and turns off detection or something to make it "appear" like he hid in a closet, but would be nifty for that to actually work!





[smoke and particles]


I know that this can be fixed by getting a video card (currently use HD3300 IGP)..


But the only thing that seems to eat performance for me is the smoke and fog and particle junk.


Way out in the wasteland, I have everything maxed (except I have shadows off, 64 bit memory bus + crappy fillrate = igp crying)

Very playable fps even handling massive rushes of martigen's feral ghouls.



But as soon as I get close to a stream of smoke or some of that particle junk indoors, even stuff coming off of nuclear pools, fps drops like a dead behemoth.



Need those removed or some alternate method please..

There is a mod that removes the steam effect on robo cases and let me tell you, that does wonders for my fps when opening those.

I no longer have to suffer through 60->5fps drops when opening them.




Sneaking Npcs and sneak toggling, perception



Would also like to see npcs in general attempt to sneak, would be interesting to see how people can come up with ways to handle this.. Do the npcs turn invisible or just avoid los? idk...


Fallout tactics did this by making npcs invisible unless seen.


Example 1: Raider in superdupermart is in the restroom and hears a gunshot, as he happens to be slightly skilled in sneaking.. instead of rushing at the players exact location yelling "I'm GONNA KILL YA!!!" , go into sneak mode which checks against enemy perceptions, if failed, reveal, if successful, hide them.


Sneak toggling would be nifty as well.. I don't know if this is possible because it might be hardcoded, but it might be interesting to remove the auto sneak on crouch and be able to bind a key to "put player into sneak mode" like in fallout tactics.. checks local enemy perception and reports to player if successfully hidden.


The upshoot of this is that players could potentially sneak even when standing/running.


Although I suppose this isn't really necessary as the current method works alright..




NPCS Looting and bartering


Martigen's looting and hunting npcs is a good start, but I'd like to see npcs sell the stuff they don't use/need to local merchants/caravans.


Would also like to see npcs carry more ammo (unless its just me, using SCC mod seems sorta moot because npcs carry 2 ammo), perhaps even use it (I know SCC mod does this heh).

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Right now I remember what I was thinking about:


Knock npcs unconscious


Probably a mod that does this already, but have a low chance on the situations that would knock npcs down, to knock them unconscious for a duration of time based on the severity.

Something similar to setting them essential and typing kill I guess. But somehow keeping them vulnerable as well.

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Throwing glove:


Reloads like Rock-it-Launcher, except maybe everything instead of just misc items, attacks like throwing a grenade and does damage/distance based on strength and maybe perception.

For more awesomeness you could be able to use what you're carrying with Z as ammo instead of the rockitlauncher prompt.


would be nifty if npcs could use it as well.

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Well I think the first one is possible. If you had an item that brought up a menu like that of 'my first infermary' (i really have no clue what im talking about on this point onward because I have no clue about scripting for GECK, but I do know some other scripting launguages)


Well you could make some kind of script that has a percent chance for wich dialogue screen and effects would come up.


Like, you click 'Heal Ankle', there is a 96% chance that the regular non funny message will show up, theres a 1-4% chance for different funny messages and effects to show up.


So there is a 4% chance of you severly damaging your eyeball by healing your ankle.



The reason I suggest this is because I made a similar script using fpe (i think)

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