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favorite thing to fight


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While there's something to be said for fighting highwaymen ("That's the way this one likes it" SMACK! Thud.) and for sneak attacking rats (with a bit of practice, I think you could play golf with them), I think my favorite things to fight are the higher ranking Dremora warriors (Kynval and up) just because they're a challenge and they stand and fight. They block relatively well and swing well and move fast, but if you fight smart they're not that hard to beat, really.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hm, my favorite thing to fight with melee has to be Imperial Legionaries, or Dremora.


Absolutely hate anything that casts spells and runs away from you. (Mages, Necromancers, ect.) If you're gonna whip out that dagger or mace, why not actually use it? I love how they pull it out and then charge you, hit you once or maybe even just block, and then run away faster than you can say witseideutsei. And they're faster, becuase you're running around in your clunky heavy armor, and they're in a fancy excuse for linens!

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Balrog armies created mostly through use of console. Well, I tend to make armies of Adoring Fan, rally them and let the two armies fight each other. Balrogs always win, which is nice 'cause that's what I always intend to happen. Then I'm left to avenge my fans, so I kill the Balrogs and launch the Adoring Fan corpses off Dive Rock with the Midas Magic catapult (the only proper burial for the annoying lads). No evidence of my cruelty remains.
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I can't stand fighting menial fights like rats, wolves, and imps, etc.


However, fighting vampires, minotaurs, and zombies are always fun. And sometimes bandits (At least the non-archers).

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  • 1 month later...

Jyggalag FTW!

But in terms of normal monsters, probably other people and skeletons. I also loved fighting the dark doppleganger(sp?) of myself near the tree of shades.

As for things I don't enjoy fighting, dread zombies are at the top of my list. Once I was doing the quest for Meridias shrine and one of the necromancers conjured

a dread zombie. It ended up giving me the stunted magicka diseas only i didn't know that then. all I knew was that suddenly my magick a wouldn't regenerate. So i started to freak out

until I looked it up online and i had to load a saved game and make sure none of the dread zombies even got close to me. Ever since then I always kill the dread zombies first beacause they scare me to death.

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