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Kelsenellenelvian made a useful tool with the mod titled Ring of Dialogues, but it could stand some patching for added utility and reduced drawbacks.


First, for those unaware, the ring the mod adds to the game (the "dalogue ring") adds flags onto the character as if they were wearing a Vault Suit, the Silver Shroud costume, and the Cappy Glasses. The intended effects are so people will react with the appropriate dialogue options and the wearer will also be able to see the Star Caps if they are in Nuka-World.


This is not without some drawbacks, however.


First off, the equip slot for the ring is your weapon slot! Forget holstering, if you select a weapon you take the ring off and vice versa. Having the equip slot be the grenade/mine slot would be much less annoying.


Second, the ring really, really needs a holotape and/or MCM slot to turn options on and off. The oddity of double suit dialogues aside, so much as donning the ring starts up all the Hidden Caps quests as if you'd donned the Cappy Glasses (naturally), even if you're level one and made the thing behind the drug dealer's house at Sanctuary. That will clog up your questlog in a great big hurry.

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